

Sound of something in rapid motion


To whirl round, or revolve, with a whizzing noise; to fly or more quickly with a buzzing or whizzing sound; to whiz.

sound of something in rapid motion; "whir of a bird''s wings"; "the whir of the propellers"

make a soft swishing sound; "the motor whirred"; "the car engine purred"

v. i.
To whirl round, or revolve, with a whizzing noise; to fly or more quickly with a buzzing or whizzing sound; to whiz.

v. t.
To hurry a long with a whizzing sound.

A buzzing or whizzing sound produced by rapid or whirling motion; as, the whir of a partridge; the whir of a spinning wheel.


Whir , v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whirred ; p. pr. & vb. n. Whirring.] [Perhaps of imitative origin; cf. D. hvirre to whirl, and E. hurr, hurry, whirl. .] To whirl round, or revolve, with a whizzing noise; to fly or more quickly with a buzzing or whizzing sound; to whiz.
The partridge bursts away on whirring wings.


Whir, v. t. [See Whir to whiz.] To hurry a long with a whizzing sound. [R.]
This world to me is like a lasting storm, Whirring me from my friends.


Whir, n. A buzzing or whizzing sound produced by rapid or whirling motion; as, the whir of a partridge; the whir of a spinning wheel.

To whirl round, or revolve, with a whizzing noise; to fly or more quickly with a buzzing or whizzing sound; to whiz.

To hurry a long with a whizzing sound.

A buzzing or whizzing sound produced by rapid or whirling motion; as, the whir of a partridge; the whir of a spinning wheel.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

whir, qwhir, 2whir, 3whir, ewhir, awhir, swhir, qhir, 2hir, 3hir, ehir, ahir, shir, wqhir, w2hir, w3hir, wehir, wahir, wshir, wghir, wyhir, wuhir, wjhir, wnhir, wgir, wyir, wuir, wjir, wnir, whgir, whyir, whuir, whjir, whnir, whuir, wh8ir, wh9ir, whoir, whjir, whkir, whur, wh8r, wh9r, whor, whjr, whkr, whiur, whi8r, whi9r, whior, whijr, whikr, whier, whi4r, whi5r, whitr, whifr, whie, whi4, whi5, whit, whif, whire, whir4, whir5, whirt, whirf.


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