

A buzzing or hissing sound as of something traveling rapidly through the air


To make a humming or hissing sound, like an arrow or ball flying through the air; to fly or move swiftly with a sharp hissing or whistling sound.

a buzzing or hissing sound as of something traveling rapidly through the air; "he heard the whiz of bullets near his head"

someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

make a soft swishing sound; "the motor whirred"; "the car engine purred"

v. i.
To make a humming or hissing sound, like an arrow or ball flying through the air; to fly or move swiftly with a sharp hissing or whistling sound.

A hissing and humming sound.


Whiz , v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whizzed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Whizzing.] [Of imitative origin. . Cf. Whistle, and Hiss.] To make a humming or hissing sound, like an arrow or ball flying through the air; to fly or move swiftly with a sharp hissing or whistling sound. [Written also whizz.]
It flew, and whizzing, cut the liquid way.


Whiz, n. A hissing and humming sound.
Like the whiz of my crossbow.

To make a humming or hissing sound, like an arrow or ball flying through the air; to fly or move swiftly with a sharp hissing or whistling sound.

A hissing and humming sound.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

whiz, qwhiz, 2whiz, 3whiz, ewhiz, awhiz, swhiz, qhiz, 2hiz, 3hiz, ehiz, ahiz, shiz, wqhiz, w2hiz, w3hiz, wehiz, wahiz, wshiz, wghiz, wyhiz, wuhiz, wjhiz, wnhiz, wgiz, wyiz, wuiz, wjiz, wniz, whgiz, whyiz, whuiz, whjiz, whniz, whuiz, wh8iz, wh9iz, whoiz, whjiz, whkiz, whuz, wh8z, wh9z, whoz, whjz, whkz, whiuz, whi8z, whi9z, whioz, whijz, whikz, whiaz, whisz, whixz, whia, whis, whix, whiza, whizs, whizx.


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