

Travelling about without any clear destination


a. & n. from Wander, v.

travelling about without any clear destination; "she followed him in his wanderings and looked after him"

Adjective S.
having no fixed course; "an erratic comet"; "his life followed a wandering course"; "a planetary vagabond"

Adjective S.
(of groups of people) tending to travel and change settlements frequently; "a restless mobile society"; "the nomadic habits of the Bedouins"; "believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future"; "wandering tribes"

p. pr. & vb. n.
of Wander

a. & n. from Wander, v.


Wan"der*ing, a. & n. from Wander, v. Wandering albatross (Zo'94l.), the great white albatross. See Illust. of Albatross. -- Wandering cell (Physiol.), an animal cell which possesses the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white corpuscles of the blood. -- Wandering Jew (Bot.), any one of several creeping species of Tradescantia, which have alternate, pointed leaves, and a soft, herbaceous stem which roots freely at the joints. They are commonly cultivated in hanging baskets, window boxes, etc. -- Wandering kidney (Med.), a morbid condition in which one kidney, or, rarely, both kidneys, can be moved in certain directions; -- called also floating kidney, movable kidney. -- Wandering liver (Med.), a morbid condition of the liver, similar to wandering kidney. -- Wandering mouse (Zo'94l.), the whitefooted, or deer, mouse. See Illust. of Mouse. -- Wandering spider (Zo'94l.), any one of a tribe of spiders that wander about in search of their prey.

a. & n. from Wander, v.


Usage Examples

By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering.

What ever our wandering our happiness will always be found within a narrow compass, and in the middle of the objects more immediately within our reach.

I like to think of myself at home in the armchair, writing, smoking and occasionally wandering down the shop.

If the views I have expressed be right, we can think of our civilization evolving with the growth of knowledge from small wandering tribes to large settled law.

Misspelled Form

wanderings, qwanderings, 2wanderings, 3wanderings, ewanderings, awanderings, swanderings, qanderings, 2anderings, 3anderings, eanderings, aanderings, sanderings, wqanderings, w2anderings, w3anderings, weanderings, waanderings, wsanderings, wqanderings, wwanderings, wsanderings, wzanderings, wqnderings, wwnderings, wsnderings, wznderings, waqnderings, wawnderings, wasnderings, waznderings, wabnderings, wahnderings, wajnderings, wamnderings, wa nderings, wabderings, wahderings, wajderings, wamderings, wa derings, wanbderings, wanhderings, wanjderings, wanmderings, wan derings, wansderings, wanederings, wanfderings, wanxderings, wancderings, wanserings, waneerings, wanferings, wanxerings, wancerings, wandserings, wandeerings, wandferings, wandxerings, wandcerings, wandwerings, wand3erings, wand4erings, wandrerings, wandserings, wandderings, wandwrings, wand3rings, wand4rings, wandrrings, wandsrings, wanddrings, wandewrings, wande3rings, wande4rings, wanderrings, wandesrings, wandedrings, wandeerings, wande4rings, wande5rings, wandetrings, wandefrings, wandeeings, wande4ings, wande5ings, wandetings, wandefings, wandereings, wander4ings, wander5ings, wandertings, wanderfings, wanderuings, wander8ings, wander9ings, wanderoings, wanderjings, wanderkings, wanderungs, wander8ngs, wander9ngs, wanderongs, wanderjngs, wanderkngs, wanderiungs, wanderi8ngs, wanderi9ngs, wanderiongs, wanderijngs, wanderikngs, wanderibngs, wanderihngs, wanderijngs, wanderimngs, wanderi ngs, wanderibgs, wanderihgs, wanderijgs, wanderimgs, wanderi gs, wanderinbgs, wanderinhgs, wanderinjgs, wanderinmgs, wanderin gs, wanderinfgs, wanderintgs, wanderinygs, wanderinhgs, wanderinbgs, wanderinvgs, wanderinfs, wanderints, wanderinys, wanderinhs, wanderinbs, wanderinvs, wanderingfs, wanderingts, wanderingys, wanderinghs, wanderingbs, wanderingvs, wanderingas, wanderingws, wanderinges, wanderingds, wanderingxs, wanderingzs, wanderinga, wanderingw, wanderinge, wanderingd, wanderingx, wanderingz, wanderingsa, wanderingsw, wanderingse, wanderingsd, wanderingsx, wanderingsz.

Other Usage Examples

I've never written a movie, I'm not in the movie business. I go out to L.A. and I'm like everyone else wandering around in a daze hoping I see movie stars. I write the novels that the movies are based on, and that feels like enough of a job for me.

In the course of transferring all my CDs to my iPod, I have found myself wandering the musical hallways of my past and reacquainting myself with music I haven't listened to in years.

Whenever I get fed up with life I love to go wandering in nature.

I'd say the best is when I was in Africa, I saw a hippo in a house. Someone had a pet hippo. And they're meant to be one of the most dangerous animals on the planet, and they had one that was sort of just wandering in and out of their house, just sort of roaming about.

The point of mythology or myth is to point to the horizon and to point back to ourselves: This is who we are this is where we came from and this is where we're going. And a lot of Western society over the last hundred years - the last 50 years really - has lost that. We have become rather aimless and wandering.


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