

Activity leading to skilled behavior


The act of one who trains; the act or process of exercising, disciplining, etc.; education.

activity leading to skilled behavior

the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior); "a woman of breeding and refinement"

p. pr. & vb. n.
of Train

The act of one who trains; the act or process of exercising, disciplining, etc.; education.


Train"ing, n. The act of one who trains; the act or process of exercising, disciplining, etc.; education. Fan training (Hort.), the operation of training fruit trees, grapevines, etc., so that the branches shall radiate from the stem like a fan. -- Horizontal training (Hort.), the operation of training fruit trees, grapevines, etc., so that the branches shall spread out laterally in a horizontal direction. -- Training college. See Normal school, under Normal, a. -- Training day, a day on which a military company assembles for drill or parade. [U. S.] -- Training ship, a vessel on board of which boys are trained as sailors. Syn. -- See Education.

The act of one who trains; the act or process of exercising, disciplining, etc.; education.


Usage Examples

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

From my first dunk at 14 years old to my second NCAA Championship at the University of Tennessee, my intense training with my dad was always to credit.

Before I pitch any game, from spring training to Game 7 of the World Series, I'm scared to death.

Education is that whole system of human training within and without the school house walls, which molds and develops men.

Education is not the piling on of learning, information, data, facts, skills, or abilities - that's training or instruction - but is rather making visible what is hidden as a seed.

For wide swaths of training and education there are valuable spillovers which mean that the private sector needs support from the government. That is why I have been so determined to protect and grow apprenticeships and put higher education on a sustainable footing.

But on average, I go to the gym about four or five times a week. Today, I'm so experienced in training - I'm actually listening to my body now. My body needs freedom. When I train I create serenity and I produce oxygen in my blood. It helps me to think better and relax. By training, you accentuate the problem.

Classical plays require more imagination and more general training to be able to do. That's why I like playing Shakespeare better than anything else.

Misspelled Form

training, rtraining, 5training, 6training, ytraining, gtraining, rraining, 5raining, 6raining, yraining, graining, trraining, t5raining, t6raining, tyraining, tgraining, teraining, t4raining, t5raining, ttraining, tfraining, teaining, t4aining, t5aining, ttaining, tfaining, treaining, tr4aining, tr5aining, trtaining, trfaining, trqaining, trwaining, trsaining, trzaining, trqining, trwining, trsining, trzining, traqining, trawining, trasining, trazining, trauining, tra8ining, tra9ining, traoining, trajining, trakining, trauning, tra8ning, tra9ning, traoning, trajning, trakning, traiuning, trai8ning, trai9ning, traioning, traijning, traikning, traibning, traihning, traijning, traimning, trai ning, traibing, traihing, traijing, traiming, trai ing, trainbing, trainhing, trainjing, trainming, train ing, trainuing, train8ing, train9ing, trainoing, trainjing, trainking, trainung, train8ng, train9ng, trainong, trainjng, trainkng, trainiung, traini8ng, traini9ng, trainiong, trainijng, trainikng, trainibng, trainihng, trainijng, trainimng, traini ng, trainibg, trainihg, trainijg, trainimg, traini g, traininbg, traininhg, traininjg, traininmg, trainin g, traininfg, trainintg, traininyg, traininhg, traininbg, traininvg, traininf, trainint, traininy, traininh, traininb, traininv, trainingf, trainingt, trainingy, trainingh, trainingb, trainingv.

Other Usage Examples

Although I do use some of my psychology training in comedy, but it's more like pop psychology, not a course of treatment or anything. To me, it's more like social intelligence.

Here, class attendance is expected and students are required to take notes, which they are tested on. What is missing, it seems to me, is the use of knowledge, the practical training.

Haiti is always talking about decentralization and nothing has been so obvious, perhaps a weakness, as the centralized nature of Haitian society as being revealed by the earthquake. I mean, they lost all these medical training programs because they didn't have them anywhere else.

Anecdotal thinking comes naturally science requires training.

A game one of my sisters will play with me in my first year of being alive is called Good Baby, Bad Baby. This consists of being told I am a good baby until I smile and laugh, then being told I am a bad baby until I burst into tears. This training will stand me in good stead all through my life.

A lifetime of training for just ten seconds.

'Swan Lake' is the most difficult thing to portray for a female ballet dancer it really requires such specific qualities of articulation, agility, strength, and the arm work is something that takes a lot of training.

Community colleges need to be upgraded. We got to have training for real jobs. We've got a lot of jobs that are going unfilled because we don't have the technology in the heads of graduating college students to deal with them.

But the war on terror as I have repeatedly said in the past, and the Afghan people believe in it, in truth, is that the war on terror is not in the Afghan villages or homes. Its in the sanctuaries, it is in the training grounds, its in the motivation factors and the money that comes to it.