

A unit of heat equal to 100,000 British thermal units


a unit of heat equal to 100,000 British thermal units


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

therm, rtherm, 5therm, 6therm, ytherm, gtherm, rherm, 5herm, 6herm, yherm, gherm, trherm, t5herm, t6herm, tyherm, tgherm, tgherm, tyherm, tuherm, tjherm, tnherm, tgerm, tyerm, tuerm, tjerm, tnerm, thgerm, thyerm, thuerm, thjerm, thnerm, thwerm, th3erm, th4erm, threrm, thserm, thderm, thwrm, th3rm, th4rm, thrrm, thsrm, thdrm, thewrm, the3rm, the4rm, therrm, thesrm, thedrm, theerm, the4rm, the5rm, thetrm, thefrm, theem, the4m, the5m, thetm, thefm, therem, ther4m, ther5m, thertm, therfm, thernm, therjm, therkm, ther,m, ther m, thern, therj, therk, ther,, ther , thermn, thermj, thermk, therm,, therm .


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