Your sternum is your breastbone, the flat plate at the top of your rib cage. Mammals and birds and even arachnids, or spiders have a sternum.
A plate of cartilage, or a series of bony or cartilaginous plates or segments, in the median line of the pectoral skeleton of most vertebrates above fishes; the breastbone.
the flat bone that articulates with the clavicles and the first seven pairs of ribs
A plate of cartilage, or a series of bony or cartilaginous
plates or segments, in the median line of the pectoral skeleton of most
vertebrates above fishes; the breastbone.
The ventral part of any one of the somites of an
A plate of cartilage, or a series of bony or cartilaginous plates or segments, in the median line of the pectoral skeleton of most vertebrates above fishes; the breastbone.
Usage Examples
sternum, asternum, wsternum, esternum, dsternum, xsternum, zsternum, aternum, wternum, eternum, dternum, xternum, zternum, saternum, swternum, seternum, sdternum, sxternum, szternum, srternum, s5ternum, s6ternum, syternum, sgternum, srernum, s5ernum, s6ernum, syernum, sgernum, strernum, st5ernum, st6ernum, styernum, stgernum, stwernum, st3ernum, st4ernum, strernum, stsernum, stdernum, stwrnum, st3rnum, st4rnum, strrnum, stsrnum, stdrnum, stewrnum, ste3rnum, ste4rnum, sterrnum, stesrnum, stedrnum, steernum, ste4rnum, ste5rnum, stetrnum, stefrnum, steenum, ste4num, ste5num, stetnum, stefnum, sterenum, ster4num, ster5num, stertnum, sterfnum, sterbnum, sterhnum, sterjnum, stermnum, ster num, sterbum, sterhum, sterjum, stermum, ster um, sternbum, sternhum, sternjum, sternmum, stern um, sternyum, stern7um, stern8um, sternium, sternjum, sternym, stern7m, stern8m, sternim, sternjm, sternuym, sternu7m, sternu8m, sternuim, sternujm, sternunm, sternujm, sternukm, sternu,m, sternu m, sternun, sternuj, sternuk, sternu,, sternu , sternumn, sternumj, sternumk, sternum,, sternum .