A Scholastic philosopher or theologian
Pertaining to, or suiting, a scholar, a school, or schools; scholarlike;
a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit
a Scholastic philosopher or theologian
of or relating to schools; "scholastic year"
of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of scholasticism; "scholastic philosophy"
Pertaining to, or suiting, a scholar, a school, or
schools; scholarlike; as, scholastic manners or pride; scholastic
Of or pertaining to the schoolmen and divines of the
Middle Ages (see Schoolman); as, scholastic divinity or theology;
scholastic philosophy.
Hence, characterized by excessive subtilty, or
needlessly minute subdivisions; pedantic; formal.
One who adheres to the method or subtilties of the
See the Note under Jesuit.
Pertaining to, or suiting, a scholar, a school, or schools; scholarlike;
One who adheres to the method or subtilties of the schools.
Usage Examples
Scholastic learning and polemical divinity retarded the growth of all true knowledge.
Misspelled Formscholastic, ascholastic, wscholastic, escholastic, dscholastic, xscholastic, zscholastic, acholastic, wcholastic, echolastic, dcholastic, xcholastic, zcholastic, sacholastic, swcholastic, secholastic, sdcholastic, sxcholastic, szcholastic, sxcholastic, sdcholastic, sfcholastic, svcholastic, s cholastic, sxholastic, sdholastic, sfholastic, svholastic, s holastic, scxholastic, scdholastic, scfholastic, scvholastic, sc holastic, scgholastic, scyholastic, scuholastic, scjholastic, scnholastic, scgolastic, scyolastic, scuolastic, scjolastic, scnolastic, schgolastic, schyolastic, schuolastic, schjolastic, schnolastic, schiolastic, sch9olastic, sch0olastic, schpolastic, schlolastic, schilastic, sch9lastic, sch0lastic, schplastic, schllastic, schoilastic, scho9lastic, scho0lastic, schoplastic, schollastic, schoklastic, schoolastic, schoplastic, scho:lastic, schokastic, schooastic, schopastic, scho:astic, scholkastic, scholoastic, scholpastic, schol:astic, scholqastic, scholwastic, scholsastic, scholzastic, scholqstic, scholwstic, scholsstic, scholzstic, scholaqstic, scholawstic, scholasstic, scholazstic, scholaastic, scholawstic, scholaestic, scholadstic, scholaxstic, scholazstic, scholaatic, scholawtic, scholaetic, scholadtic, scholaxtic, scholaztic, scholasatic, scholaswtic, scholasetic, scholasdtic, scholasxtic, scholasztic, scholasrtic, scholas5tic, scholas6tic, scholasytic, scholasgtic, scholasric, scholas5ic, scholas6ic, scholasyic, scholasgic, scholastric, scholast5ic, scholast6ic, scholastyic, scholastgic, scholastuic, scholast8ic, scholast9ic, scholastoic, scholastjic, scholastkic, scholastuc, scholast8c, scholast9c, scholastoc, scholastjc, scholastkc, scholastiuc, scholasti8c, scholasti9c, scholastioc, scholastijc, scholastikc, scholastixc, scholastidc, scholastifc, scholastivc, scholasti c, scholastix, scholastid, scholastif, scholastiv, scholasti , scholasticx, scholasticd, scholasticf, scholasticv, scholastic .
Other Usage Examples