

Of or involving the rectum


Of or pertaining to the rectum; in the region of the rectum.

of or involving the rectum; "rectal cancer"

Of or pertaining to the rectum; in the region of the rectum.


Rec"tal (r?k"tal), a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the rectum; in the region of the rectum.

Of or pertaining to the rectum; in the region of the rectum.


Usage Examples

A Harvard Medical School study has determined that rectal thermometers are still the best way to tell a baby's temperature. Plus, it really teaches the baby who's boss.

Misspelled Form

rectal, erectal, 4rectal, 5rectal, trectal, frectal, eectal, 4ectal, 5ectal, tectal, fectal, reectal, r4ectal, r5ectal, rtectal, rfectal, rwectal, r3ectal, r4ectal, rrectal, rsectal, rdectal, rwctal, r3ctal, r4ctal, rrctal, rsctal, rdctal, rewctal, re3ctal, re4ctal, rerctal, resctal, redctal, rexctal, redctal, refctal, revctal, re ctal, rextal, redtal, reftal, revtal, re tal, recxtal, recdtal, recftal, recvtal, rec tal, recrtal, rec5tal, rec6tal, recytal, recgtal, recral, rec5al, rec6al, recyal, recgal, rectral, rect5al, rect6al, rectyal, rectgal, rectqal, rectwal, rectsal, rectzal, rectql, rectwl, rectsl, rectzl, rectaql, rectawl, rectasl, rectazl, rectakl, rectaol, rectapl, recta:l, rectak, rectao, rectap, recta:, rectalk, rectalo, rectalp, rectal:.

Other Usage Examples


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