

Mechanical device that has a plunging or thrusting motion


One who, or that which, plunges; a diver.

mechanical device that has a plunging or thrusting motion

hand tool consisting of a stick with a rubber suction cup at one end; used to clean clogged drains

someone who dives (into water)

someone who risks losses for the possibility of considerable gains

One who, or that which, plunges; a diver.

A long solid cylinder, used, instead of a piston or bucket, as a forcer in pumps.

One who bets heavily and recklessly on a race; a reckless speculator.

A boiler in which clay is beaten by a wheel to a creamy consistence.

The firing pin of a breechloader.


Plun"ger , n. 1. One who, or that which, plunges; a diver. 2. A long solid cylinder, used, instead of a piston or bucket, as a forcer in pumps. 3. One who bets heavily and recklessly on a race; a reckless speculator. [Cant] 4. (Pottery) A boiler in which clay is beaten by a wheel to a creamy consistence. Knight. 5. (Gun.) The firing pin of a breechloader. Plunger bucket, a piston, without a valve, in a pump. -- Plunger pole, the pump rod of a pumping engine. -- Plunger pump, a pump, as for water, having a plunger, instead of a piston, to act upon the water. It may be single-acting or double-acting

One who, or that which, plunges; a diver.


Usage Examples

Can you imagine a guy breaking into your car, and he steals your guitar case 'cause he thinks it's a guitar, and he gets it home and opens it up and there's a rake inside it, an electric toilet plunger and a dog skull? That actually happened.

Misspelled Form

plunger, oplunger, 0plunger, lplunger, olunger, 0lunger, llunger, polunger, p0lunger, pllunger, pklunger, polunger, pplunger, p:lunger, pkunger, pounger, ppunger, p:unger, plkunger, plounger, plpunger, pl:unger, plyunger, pl7unger, pl8unger, pliunger, pljunger, plynger, pl7nger, pl8nger, plinger, pljnger, pluynger, plu7nger, plu8nger, pluinger, plujnger, plubnger, pluhnger, plujnger, plumnger, plu nger, plubger, pluhger, plujger, plumger, plu ger, plunbger, plunhger, plunjger, plunmger, plun ger, plunfger, pluntger, plunyger, plunhger, plunbger, plunvger, plunfer, plunter, plunyer, plunher, plunber, plunver, plungfer, plungter, plungyer, plungher, plungber, plungver, plungwer, plung3er, plung4er, plungrer, plungser, plungder, plungwr, plung3r, plung4r, plungrr, plungsr, plungdr, plungewr, plunge3r, plunge4r, plungerr, plungesr, plungedr, plungeer, plunge4r, plunge5r, plungetr, plungefr, plungee, plunge4, plunge5, plunget, plungef, plungere, plunger4, plunger5, plungert, plungerf.

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