

Pleasure is a general term for good feelings. People get pleasure from eating, sleeping, watching TV, or anything else they enjoy.


The gratification of the senses or of the mind; agreeable sensations or emotions; the excitement, relish, or happiness produced by the expectation or the enjoyment of something good, delightful, or satisfying; -- opposed to pain, sorrow, etc.

sexual gratification; "he took his pleasure of her"

an activity that affords enjoyment; "he puts duty before pleasure"

a formal expression; "he serves at the pleasure of the President"

something or someone that provides pleasure; a source of happiness; "a joy to behold"; "the pleasure of his company"; "the new car is a delight"

a fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience; "he was tingling with pleasure"


The gratification of the senses or of the mind; agreeable sensations or emotions; the excitement, relish, or happiness produced by the expectation or the enjoyment of something good, delightful, or satisfying; -- opposed to pain, sorrow, etc.

Amusement; sport; diversion; self-indulgence; frivolous or dissipating enjoyment; hence, sensual gratification; -- opposed to labor, service, duty, self-denial, etc.

What the will dictates or prefers as gratifying or satisfying; hence, will; choice; wish; purpose.

That which pleases; a favor; a gratification.

v. t.
To give or afford pleasure to; to please; to gratify.

v. i.
To take pleasure; to seek pursue pleasure; as, to go pleasuring.


Pleas"ure , n. [F. plaisir, originally an infinitive. See Please.] 1. The gratification of the senses or of the mind; agreeable sensations or emotions; the excitement, relish, or happiness produced by the expectation or the enjoyment of something good, delightful, or satisfying; -- opposed to pain, sorrow, etc.
At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
2. Amusement; sport; diversion; self-indulgence; frivolous or dissipating enjoyment; hence, sensual gratification; -- opposed to labor, service, duty, self-denial, etc. "Not sunk in carnal pleasure." Milton.
He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man.
Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.
3. What the will dictates or prefers as gratifying or satisfying; hence, will; choice; wish; purpose. "He will do his pleasure on Babylon." Isa. xlviii. 14.
Use your pleasure; if your love do not presuade you to come, let not my letter.
4. That which pleases; a favor; a gratification. Shak.
Festus, willing to do the Jews a pleasure
At pleasure, by arbitrary will or choice. Dryden. -- To take pleasure in, to have enjoyment in. Ps. cxlvii. 11. &hand; Pleasure is used adjectively, or in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, pleasure boat, pleasure ground; pleasure house, etc. Syn. -- Enjoyment; gratification; satisfaction; comfort; solace; joy; gladness; delight; will; choice; preference; purpose; command; favor; kindness.


Pleas"ure, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pleasured ; p. pr. & vb. n. Pleasuring.] To give or afford pleasure to; to please; to gratify. Shak.
[Rolled] his hoop to pleasure Edith.


Pleas"ure, v. i. To take pleasure; to seek pursue pleasure; as, to go pleasuring.

The gratification of the senses or of the mind; agreeable sensations or emotions; the excitement, relish, or happiness produced by the expectation or the enjoyment of something good, delightful, or satisfying; -- opposed to pain, sorrow, etc.

To give or afford pleasure to; to please; to gratify.

To take pleasure; to seek pursue pleasure; as, to go pleasuring.


Usage Examples

Alexander at the head of the world never tasted the true pleasure that boys of his own age have enjoyed at the head of a school.

Art is contemplation. It is the pleasure of the mind which searches into nature and which there divines the spirit of which nature herself is animated.

Although all the good arts serve to draw man's mind away from vices and lead it toward better things, this function can be more fully performed by this art, which also provides extraordinary intellectual pleasure.

Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability - they should go hand in hand.

Come, come, leave business to idlers, and wisdom to fools: they have need of 'em: wit be my faculty, and pleasure my occupation, and let father Time shake his glass.

Business is always interfering with pleasure - but it makes other pleasures possible.

A tragedy need not have blood and death it's enough that it all be filled with that majestic sadness that is the pleasure of tragedy.

Misspelled Form

pleasure, opleasure, 0pleasure, lpleasure, oleasure, 0leasure, lleasure, poleasure, p0leasure, plleasure, pkleasure, poleasure, ppleasure, p:leasure, pkeasure, poeasure, ppeasure, p:easure, plkeasure, ploeasure, plpeasure, pl:easure, plweasure, pl3easure, pl4easure, plreasure, plseasure, pldeasure, plwasure, pl3asure, pl4asure, plrasure, plsasure, pldasure, plewasure, ple3asure, ple4asure, plerasure, plesasure, pledasure, pleqasure, plewasure, plesasure, plezasure, pleqsure, plewsure, plessure, plezsure, pleaqsure, pleawsure, pleassure, pleazsure, pleaasure, pleawsure, pleaesure, pleadsure, pleaxsure, pleazsure, pleaaure, pleawure, pleaeure, pleadure, pleaxure, pleazure, pleasaure, pleaswure, pleaseure, pleasdure, pleasxure, pleaszure, pleasyure, pleas7ure, pleas8ure, pleasiure, pleasjure, pleasyre, pleas7re, pleas8re, pleasire, pleasjre, pleasuyre, pleasu7re, pleasu8re, pleasuire, pleasujre, pleasuere, pleasu4re, pleasu5re, pleasutre, pleasufre, pleasuee, pleasu4e, pleasu5e, pleasute, pleasufe, pleasuree, pleasur4e, pleasur5e, pleasurte, pleasurfe, pleasurwe, pleasur3e, pleasur4e, pleasurre, pleasurse, pleasurde, pleasurw, pleasur3, pleasur4, pleasurr, pleasurs, pleasurd, pleasurew, pleasure3, pleasure4, pleasurer, pleasures, pleasured.

Other Usage Examples

At an incredibly divisive point in pop history, Donna Summer managed to create an undeniable across-the-board experience of mass pleasure - after 'Bad Girls,' nobody ever tried claiming disco sucked again. It set the template for what Michael Jackson would do a few months later with 'Off The Wall.'

Don't get me wrong, I think bikes are terrific. I own several of my own, including a trendy mountain style, and ride them for pleasure and light exercise.

A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain.

According to your sympathy, you will take pleasure in your own happiness or in the happiness of other people but it is always your own happiness you seek.

Choreography is mentally draining, but there's a pleasure in getting into the studio with the dancers and the music.

A little girl who finds a puzzle frustrating might ask her busy mother (or teacher) for help. The child gets one message if her mother expresses clear pleasure at the request and quite another if mommy responds with a curt 'Don't bother me - I've got important work to do.'

Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure.