

Overtime is the amount of time you work beyond your regular hours. If your boss asks you to work over 40 hours one week, that's overtime and you should demand extra pay.


Time beyond, or in excess of, a limit; esp., extra working time.

work done in addition to regular working hours

playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie

beyond the regular time; "she often has to work overtime"

Time beyond, or in excess of, a limit; esp., extra working time.


O"ver*time` , n. Time beyond, or in excess of, a limit; esp., extra working time.

Time beyond, or in excess of, a limit; esp., extra working time.


Usage Examples

Police departments no longer have to pay overtime or divert resources from other projects to find out where an individual goes - all they have to do is place a tracking device on someone's car or ask a cell phone company for that individual's location history and the technology does the work for them.

Misspelled Form

overtime, iovertime, 9overtime, 0overtime, povertime, lovertime, ivertime, 9vertime, 0vertime, pvertime, lvertime, oivertime, o9vertime, o0vertime, opvertime, olvertime, ocvertime, ofvertime, ogvertime, obvertime, o vertime, ocertime, ofertime, ogertime, obertime, o ertime, ovcertime, ovfertime, ovgertime, ovbertime, ov ertime, ovwertime, ov3ertime, ov4ertime, ovrertime, ovsertime, ovdertime, ovwrtime, ov3rtime, ov4rtime, ovrrtime, ovsrtime, ovdrtime, ovewrtime, ove3rtime, ove4rtime, overrtime, ovesrtime, ovedrtime, oveertime, ove4rtime, ove5rtime, ovetrtime, ovefrtime, oveetime, ove4time, ove5time, ovettime, oveftime, overetime, over4time, over5time, overttime, overftime, overrtime, over5time, over6time, overytime, overgtime, overrime, over5ime, over6ime, overyime, overgime, overtrime, overt5ime, overt6ime, overtyime, overtgime, overtuime, overt8ime, overt9ime, overtoime, overtjime, overtkime, overtume, overt8me, overt9me, overtome, overtjme, overtkme, overtiume, overti8me, overti9me, overtiome, overtijme, overtikme, overtinme, overtijme, overtikme, overti,me, overti me, overtine, overtije, overtike, overti,e, overti e, overtimne, overtimje, overtimke, overtim,e, overtim e, overtimwe, overtim3e, overtim4e, overtimre, overtimse, overtimde, overtimw, overtim3, overtim4, overtimr, overtims, overtimd, overtimew, overtime3, overtime4, overtimer, overtimes, overtimed.

Other Usage Examples

Dad worked in a warehouse when I was little and I didn't see him for three years as he was doing all the overtime God gave him to buy me new ballet shoes, or a new tutu.

Liberals become indignant when you question their patriotism, but simultaneously work overtime to give terrorists a cushion for the next attack and laugh at dumb Americans who love their country and hate the enemy.


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