

A turbulent surface of water, caused by strong currents setting over submerged ridges; also, a dangerous submerged ridge or shoal.


A cataract; a waterfall.

A cataract; a waterfall.

A turbulent surface of water, caused by strong currents setting over submerged ridges; also, a dangerous submerged ridge or shoal.


O"ver*fall` , n. 1. A cataract; a waterfall. [Obs.] 2. (Naut.) A turbulent surface of water, caused by strong currents setting over submerged ridges; also, a dangerous submerged ridge or shoal.

A cataract; a waterfall.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

overfall, ioverfall, 9overfall, 0overfall, poverfall, loverfall, iverfall, 9verfall, 0verfall, pverfall, lverfall, oiverfall, o9verfall, o0verfall, opverfall, olverfall, ocverfall, ofverfall, ogverfall, obverfall, o verfall, ocerfall, oferfall, ogerfall, oberfall, o erfall, ovcerfall, ovferfall, ovgerfall, ovberfall, ov erfall, ovwerfall, ov3erfall, ov4erfall, ovrerfall, ovserfall, ovderfall, ovwrfall, ov3rfall, ov4rfall, ovrrfall, ovsrfall, ovdrfall, ovewrfall, ove3rfall, ove4rfall, overrfall, ovesrfall, ovedrfall, oveerfall, ove4rfall, ove5rfall, ovetrfall, ovefrfall, oveefall, ove4fall, ove5fall, ovetfall, oveffall, overefall, over4fall, over5fall, overtfall, overffall, overdfall, overrfall, overtfall, overgfall, overvfall, overcfall, overdall, overrall, overtall, overgall, overvall, overcall, overfdall, overfrall, overftall, overfgall, overfvall, overfcall, overfqall, overfwall, overfsall, overfzall, overfqll, overfwll, overfsll, overfzll, overfaqll, overfawll, overfasll, overfazll, overfakll, overfaoll, overfapll, overfa:ll, overfakl, overfaol, overfapl, overfa:l, overfalkl, overfalol, overfalpl, overfal:l, overfalkl, overfalol, overfalpl, overfal:l, overfalk, overfalo, overfalp, overfal:, overfallk, overfallo, overfallp, overfall:.


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