A city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean; the leading resort on the French Riviera
Foolish; silly; simple; ignorant; also, weak; effeminate.
a city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean; the leading resort on the French Riviera
Adjective S.
exhibiting courtesy and politeness; "a nice gesture"
Adjective S.
noting distinctions with nicety; "a discriminating interior designer"; "a nice sense of color"; "a nice point in the argument"
Adjective S.
excessively fastidious and easily disgusted; "too nice about his food to take to camp cooking"; "so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow"
pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance; "what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty"- George Meredith; "nice manners"; "a nice dress"; "a nice face"; "a nice day"; "had a nice time at the party"; "the corn and tomatoes a
Adjective S.
done with delicacy and skill; "a nice bit of craft"; "a job requiring nice measurements with a micrometer"; "a nice shot"
Adjective S.
socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous; "from a decent family"; "a nice girl"
Foolish; silly; simple; ignorant; also, weak;
Of trifling moment; nimportant; trivial.
Overscrupulous or exacting; hard to please or satisfy;
fastidious in small matters.
Delicate; refined; dainty; pure.
Apprehending slight differences or delicate
distinctions; distinguishing accurately or minutely; carefully
discriminating; as, a nice taste or judgment.
Done or made with careful labor; suited to excite
admiration on account of exactness; evidencing great skill; exact;
fine; finished; as, nice proportions, nice workmanship, a nice
application; exactly or fastidiously discriminated; requiring close
discrimination; as, a nice point of law, a nice distinction in
Pleasing; agreeable; gratifying; delightful; good; as, a
nice party; a nice excursion; a nice person; a nice day; a nice sauce,
But say that we ben wise and nothing nice.2.
The letter was not nice, but full of charge Of dear import.3.
Curious not knowing, not exact but nice.
And to taste Think not I shall be nice.4.
Dear love, continue nice and chaste.
A nice and subtile happiness.5.
The difference is too nice Where ends the virtue, or begins the vice.7.
Foolish; silly; simple; ignorant; also, weak; effeminate.
Usage Examples
Children are amazing, and while I go to places like Princeton and Harvard and Yale, and of course I teach at Columbia, NYU, and that's nice and I love students, but the most fun of all are the real little ones, the young ones.
A person who is too nice an observer of the business of the crowd, like one who is too curious in observing the labor of bees, will often be stung for his curiosity.
As far as luxury goes, about the only thing I do is... I go first class all the way. I live on the road, so when I'm out there, I'm getting the nice hotel suite, I'm getting the luxury car, I'm eating the good food, and I make sure I take care of myself on the road.
Australia is so cool that it's hard to even know where to start describing it. The beaches are beautiful so is the weather. Not too crowded. Great food, great music, really nice people. It must be a lot like Los Angeles was many years ago.
But if you think you aren't creative that's cool, too. I think being around people who aren't creative is kind of refreshing and nice.
Another nice thing was that I would type out letters home for the admiral's stewards. They would then feed me the same food the admiral ate.
As long as you understand that you find happiness through family, friends and love, then money is just a nice bonus.
Misspelled Formnice, bnice, hnice, jnice, mnice, nice, bice, hice, jice, mice, ice, nbice, nhice, njice, nmice, n ice, nuice, n8ice, n9ice, noice, njice, nkice, nuce, n8ce, n9ce, noce, njce, nkce, niuce, ni8ce, ni9ce, nioce, nijce, nikce, nixce, nidce, nifce, nivce, ni ce, nixe, nide, nife, nive, ni e, nicxe, nicde, nicfe, nicve, nic e, nicwe, nic3e, nic4e, nicre, nicse, nicde, nicw, nic3, nic4, nicr, nics, nicd, nicew, nice3, nice4, nicer, nices, niced.
Other Usage ExamplesAt home I am a nice guy: but I don't want the world to know. Humble people, I've found, don't get very far.
Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your rest home.
As much as I would love to be a person that goes to parties and has a couple of drinks and has a nice time, that doesn't work for me. I'd just rather sit at home and read, or go out to dinner with someone, or talk to someone I love, or talk to somebody that makes me laugh.
All my friends were in college when I was making 'Superbad.' We were drinking beer and watching movies and eating pizza. It wasn't like I was going to nice restaurants or anything like that, and I lived like a frat guy. Eventually it was time to grow up, be healthy and be responsible. You can't live like a kid forever, you know?
Comrades, this man has a nice smile, but he's got iron teeth.
Anytime you play a team sport, the success of the team really makes everything better. It's nice.
Acting is a nice childish profession - pretending you're someone else and, at the same time, selling yourself.
And now I have a big house, nice clothes and I travel in first class and I love it, so maybe it's time to enjoy being a star.