A mineral is a nonliving natural substance of a definite chemical composition. A mineral like manganese may help keep you healthy; a mineral like a diamond may help keep you sparkly.
An inorganic species or substance occurring in nature, having a definite chemical composition and usually a distinct crystalline form. Rocks, except certain glassy igneous forms, are either simple minerals or aggregates of minerals.
solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition
of or containing or derived from minerals; "a mineral deposit"; "mineral water"
Adjective S.
composed of matter other than plant or animal; "the inorganic mineral world"
relating to minerals; "mineral elements"; "mineral deposits"
v. i.
An inorganic species or substance occurring in nature,
having a definite chemical composition and usually a distinct
crystalline form. Rocks, except certain glassy igneous forms, are
either simple minerals or aggregates of minerals.
v. i.
A mine.
v. i.
Anything which is neither animal nor vegetable, as in
the most general classification of things into three kingdoms (animal,
vegetable, and mineral).
Of or pertaining to minerals; consisting of a mineral or
of minerals; as, a mineral substance.
Impregnated with minerals; as, mineral waters.
An inorganic species or substance occurring in nature, having a definite chemical composition and usually a distinct crystalline form. Rocks, except certain glassy igneous forms, are either simple minerals or aggregates of minerals.
Of or pertaining to minerals; consisting of a mineral or of minerals;
Usage Examples
It proved easier to buy the farm to get the mineral rights than to buy the coal rights alone.
Misspelled Formmineral, nmineral, jmineral, kmineral, ,mineral, mineral, nineral, jineral, kineral, ,ineral, ineral, mnineral, mjineral, mkineral, m,ineral, m ineral, muineral, m8ineral, m9ineral, moineral, mjineral, mkineral, muneral, m8neral, m9neral, moneral, mjneral, mkneral, miuneral, mi8neral, mi9neral, mioneral, mijneral, mikneral, mibneral, mihneral, mijneral, mimneral, mi neral, miberal, miheral, mijeral, mimeral, mi eral, minberal, minheral, minjeral, minmeral, min eral, minweral, min3eral, min4eral, minreral, minseral, minderal, minwral, min3ral, min4ral, minrral, minsral, mindral, minewral, mine3ral, mine4ral, minerral, minesral, minedral, mineeral, mine4ral, mine5ral, minetral, minefral, mineeal, mine4al, mine5al, minetal, minefal, minereal, miner4al, miner5al, minertal, minerfal, minerqal, minerwal, minersal, minerzal, minerql, minerwl, minersl, minerzl, mineraql, minerawl, minerasl, minerazl, minerakl, mineraol, minerapl, minera:l, minerak, minerao, minerap, minera:, mineralk, mineralo, mineralp, mineral:.
Other Usage ExamplesThe meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights.
Most people who are selling their mineral rights, this is a once-in-a-lifetime transaction. The people who are buying, the landmen who are coming in, do it every day. So there's a little inequity there about knowledge.