A letter is one of the characters that make up the alphabet. When a child first learns to write, she often starts with the letters in her name. Then she can write a message, or letter, to her grandmother.
One who lets or permits; one who lets anything for hire.
a written message addressed to a person or organization; "mailed an indignant letter to the editor"
an award earned by participation in a school sport; "he won letters in three sports"
the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters"
a strictly literal interpretation (as distinct from the intention); "he followed instructions to the letter"; "he obeyed the letter of the law"
owner who lets another person use something (housing usually) for hire
mark letters on or mark with letters
set down or print with letters
win an athletic letter
One who lets or permits; one who lets anything for hire.
One who retards or hinders.
A mark or character used as the representative of a sound,
or of an articulation of the human organs of speech; a first element of
written language.
A written or printed communication; a message expressed in
intelligible characters on something adapted to conveyance, as paper,
parchment, etc.; an epistle.
A writing; an inscription.
Verbal expression; literal statement or meaning; exact
signification or requirement.
A single type; type, collectively; a style of type.
Learning; erudition; as, a man of letters.
A letter; an epistle.
v. t.
To impress with letters; to mark with letters or words;
as, a book gilt and lettered.
And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew.2.
The style of letters ought to be free, easy, and natural.3.
None could expound what this letter meant.4.
We must observe the letter of the law, without doing violence to the reason of the law and the intention of the lawgiver.
I broke the letter of it to keep the sense.5.
Under these buildings . . . was the king's printing house, and that famous letter so much esteemed.6.
A strange lock that opens with AMEN.--
One who lets or permits; one who lets anything for hire.
One who retards or hinders.
A mark or character used as the representative of a sound, or of an articulation of the human organs of speech; a first element of written language.
To impress with letters; to mark with letters or words;
Usage Examples
If you read back in the Bible, the letter of the apostle Paul to the church of Thessalonia, he said that in the latter days before the end of the age that the Earth would be caught up in what he called the birth pangs of a new order.
I saw 'The Artist.' It's really beautiful and it's all done to the letter with all the silent film techniques. The costumes were amazing and the dog is so good.
I drank for about 25 years getting over the loss of my father and I took the anger out on myself. I did a good job at beating myself up at sometimes. I don't drink anymore but my alcoholic head occasionally says different. 'Nil By Mouth' was a love letter to my father because I needed to resolve some issues in order to be able to forgive him.
Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference.
My nominee for Best Picture of the year - maybe the best picture ever, because it's essentially made up of and is an ecstatic love letter to all other movies - is Christian Marclay's endlessly enticing must-see masterpiece 'The Clock.'
I'm talking to you and it's basically a direct communication, whereas if I'm writing a letter to you and you read the letter, there are like 12 extra deconstruction and reconstruction steps in the communication.
I was dating this guy and we would spend all day text messaging each other. And he thought that he could tell that he liked me more because he actually spelt the word 'YOU' and I just put the letter 'U'.
I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.
After the writer's death, reading his journal is like receiving a long letter.
Misspelled Formletter, kletter, oletter, pletter, :letter, ketter, oetter, petter, :etter, lketter, loetter, lpetter, l:etter, lwetter, l3etter, l4etter, lretter, lsetter, ldetter, lwtter, l3tter, l4tter, lrtter, lstter, ldtter, lewtter, le3tter, le4tter, lertter, lestter, ledtter, lertter, le5tter, le6tter, leytter, legtter, lerter, le5ter, le6ter, leyter, legter, letrter, let5ter, let6ter, letyter, letgter, letrter, let5ter, let6ter, letyter, letgter, letrer, let5er, let6er, letyer, letger, lettrer, lett5er, lett6er, lettyer, lettger, lettwer, lett3er, lett4er, lettrer, lettser, lettder, lettwr, lett3r, lett4r, lettrr, lettsr, lettdr, lettewr, lette3r, lette4r, letterr, lettesr, lettedr, letteer, lette4r, lette5r, lettetr, lettefr, lettee, lette4, lette5, lettet, lettef, lettere, letter4, letter5, lettert, letterf.
Other Usage ExamplesIn my experience an appreciative letter from a fellow writer means a lot.
My faith grew strong, and I sent a letter (as I was ordered) to the Rev. Dignitary of the Cathedral of Exeter. I was assured, before I sent it, he would not answer it.
I've been quite fascinated by the relative insignificance of human existence, the shortness of life. We might as well be a letter in a word in a sentence on a page in a book in a library in a city in one country in this enormous universe! And that kind of fear and insignificance has kept me awake at night.
I love things made out of animals. It's just so funny to think of someone saying, 'I need a letter opener. I guess I'll have to kill a deer.
A fan sent me a letter and a $10 bill. It's a short letter - all she said was, 'Hey, since it's harder for you to go out these days without getting photographed, here $10 for a pizza.' I was like, 'Aww, she sent me money for a pizza so I could eat at home!'
I have been committed to carrying out my duties... in accordance with both the letter and spirit of all applicable rules of ethics and canons of conduct.
As soon as I began, it seemed impossible to write fast enough - I wrote faster than I would write a letter - two thousand to three thousand words in a morning, and I cannot help it.
A good face they say, is a letter of recommendation. O Nature, Nature, why art thou so dishonest, as ever to send men with these false recommendations into the World!
It was a good 15 or 20 years before anyone at Rand would be in the same room with me. They didn't want the question raised, 'What's your relationship with Daniel Ellsberg?' And not one of them wrote me a letter because they didn't want a letter of theirs to show up in my trash - which the FBI had been going through.
I have made this letter longer than usual, only because I have not had the time to make it shorter.