Law has to do with rules and legal systems. If you live by the letter of the law, you follow society's guidelines to a T: you cross at the corner and always wait until the light is green.
In general, a rule of being or of conduct, established by an authority able to enforce its will; a controlling regulation; the mode or order according to which an agent or a power acts.
the learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system; "he studied law at Yale"
a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society
a generalization that describes recurring facts or events in nature; "the laws of thermodynamics"
the branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they do
legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity; "there is a law against kidnapping"
the force of policemen and officers; "the law came looking for him"
the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
In general, a rule of being or of conduct, established by an
authority able to enforce its will; a controlling regulation; the mode
or order according to which an agent or a power acts.
In morals: The will of God as the rule for the disposition and
conduct of all responsible beings toward him and toward each other; a
rule of living, conformable to righteousness; the rule of action as
obligatory on the conscience or moral nature.
The Jewish or Mosaic code, and that part of Scripture where it
is written, in distinction from the gospel; hence, also, the Old
An organic rule, as a constitution or charter, establishing
and defining the conditions of the existence of a state or other
organized community.
Any edict, decree, order, ordinance, statute, resolution,
judicial, decision, usage, etc., or recognized, and enforced, by the
controlling authority.
In philosophy and physics: A rule of being, operation, or
change, so certain and constant that it is conceived of as imposed by
the will of God or by some controlling authority; as, the law of
gravitation; the laws of motion; the law heredity; the laws of thought;
the laws of cause and effect; law of self-preservation.
In matematics: The rule according to which anything, as the
change of value of a variable, or the value of the terms of a series,
proceeds; mode or order of sequence.
In arts, works, games, etc.: The rules of construction, or of
procedure, conforming to the conditions of success; a principle, maxim;
or usage; as, the laws of poetry, of architecture, of courtesy, or of
Collectively, the whole body of rules relating to one subject,
or emanating from one source; -- including usually the writings
pertaining to them, and judicial proceedings under them; as, divine
law; English law; Roman law; the law of real property; insurance law.
Legal science; jurisprudence; the principles of equity;
applied justice.
Trial by the laws of the land; judicial remedy; litigation;
as, to go law.
An oath, as in the presence of a court.
v. t.
Same as Lawe, v. t.
An exclamation of mild surprise.
These are the statutes and judgments and law, which the Lord made.
The law of thy God, and the law of the King.
As if they would confine the Interminable . . . Who made our laws to bind us, not himself.
His mind his kingdom, and his will his law.2.
What things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law . . . But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets.4. In human government:
Reason is the life of the law; nay, the common law itself is nothing else but reason.
Law is beneficence acting by rule.
And sovereign Law, that state's collected will O'er thrones and globes elate, Sits empress, crowning good, repressing ill.10.
When every case in law is right.
He found law dear and left it cheap.11.
In general, a rule of being or of conduct, established by an authority able to enforce its will; a controlling regulation; the mode or order according to which an agent or a power acts.
Same as
An exclamation of mild surprise.
Usage Examples
And in my own life, in my own small way, I've tried to give back to this country that has given me so much. That's why I left a job at a law firm for a career in public service, working to empower young people to volunteer in their communities. Because I believe that each of us - no matter what our age or background or walk of life - each of us has something to contribute to the life of this nation.
Ah! how annoying that the law doesn't allow a woman to change husbands just as one does shirts.
All provisions of federal, state or local law requiring or permitting discrimination in public education must yield.
A resilient people cherishing liberty and equality and the rule of law will endure.
A state that suppresses all freedom of speech, and which by imposing the most terrible punishments, treats each and every attempt at criticism, however morally justified, and every suggestion for improvement as plotting to high treason, is a state that breaks an unwritten law.
A president who breaks the law is a threat to the very structure of our government.
After a century of striving, after a year of debate, after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land.
Affairs of state tend to drive most presidents toward the center on both foreign and domestic policy, no matter where on the political spectrum they begin, and especially so in the areas of intelligence and law enforcement.
And that is why marriage and family law has emphasized the importance of marriage as the foundation of family, addressing the needs of children in the most positive way.
Misspelled Formlaw, klaw, olaw, plaw, :law, kaw, oaw, paw, :aw, lkaw, loaw, lpaw, l:aw, lqaw, lwaw, lsaw, lzaw, lqw, lww, lsw, lzw, laqw, laww, lasw, lazw, laqw, la2w, la3w, laew, laaw, lasw, laq, la2, la3, lae, laa, las, lawq, law2, law3, lawe, lawa, laws.
Other Usage ExamplesAll men are not created equal but should be treated as though they were under the law.
According to the law of nature it is only fair that no one should become richer through damages and injuries suffered by another.
A lot of people think, 'I'll give acting or poetry or filmmaking a try. And if it doesn't work out I'll go get a law degree, do something else that's more practical.' For me I went the reverse way. I lived the back-up plan.
Amnesty is a terrible policy, and it's terrible politics. It's a terrible policy because you are rewarding people for breaking the law.
A man's respect for law and order exists in precise relationship to the size of his paycheck.
An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.
After 25-plus years as a lawyer, prosecutor, and defense attorney, I have developed a deep appreciation for both the wisdom of the law and the role that jurists play in framing the rights and responsibilities that define our society.
Above all, I would teach him to tell the truth Truth-telling, I have found, is the key to responsible citizenship. The thousands of criminals I have seen in 40 years of law enforcement have had one thing in common: Every single one was a liar.
A man who graduated high in his class at Yale Law School and made partnership in a top law firm would be celebrated. A man who invested wisely would be admired, but a woman who accomplishes this is treated with suspicion.