

If you're itchy, you've got a rash or a spot on your skin that you really want to scratch. Mosquito bites are notoriously itchy, and the least fun thing about summer time.


Infected with the itch, or with an itching sensation.

Adjective S.
unable to relax or be still; "a constant fretful stamping of hooves"; "itchy for excitement"; "a restless child"

Infected with the itch, or with an itching sensation.


Itch"y , a. Infected with the itch, or with an itching sensation. Cowper.

Infected with the itch, or with an itching sensation.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

itchy, uitchy, 8itchy, 9itchy, oitchy, jitchy, kitchy, utchy, 8tchy, 9tchy, otchy, jtchy, ktchy, iutchy, i8tchy, i9tchy, iotchy, ijtchy, iktchy, irtchy, i5tchy, i6tchy, iytchy, igtchy, irchy, i5chy, i6chy, iychy, igchy, itrchy, it5chy, it6chy, itychy, itgchy, itxchy, itdchy, itfchy, itvchy, it chy, itxhy, itdhy, itfhy, itvhy, it hy, itcxhy, itcdhy, itcfhy, itcvhy, itc hy, itcghy, itcyhy, itcuhy, itcjhy, itcnhy, itcgy, itcyy, itcuy, itcjy, itcny, itchgy, itchyy, itchuy, itchjy, itchny, itchty, itch6y, itch7y, itchuy, itchhy, itcht, itch6, itch7, itchu, itchh, itchyt, itchy6, itchy7, itchyu, itchyh.


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