

An inspector is someone who looks into, observes, and examines things it's also a word for a detective.


One who inspects, views, or oversees; one to whom the supervision of any work is committed; one who makes an official view or examination, as a military or civil officer; a superintendent; a supervisor; an overseer.

an investigator who observes carefully; "the examiner searched for clues"

a high ranking police officer

One who inspects, views, or oversees; one to whom the supervision of any work is committed; one who makes an official view or examination, as a military or civil officer; a superintendent; a supervisor; an overseer.


In*spect"or , n. [L.: cf. F. inspecteur.] One who inspects, views, or oversees; one to whom the supervision of any work is committed; one who makes an official view or examination, as a military or civil officer; a superintendent; a supervisor; an overseer. Inspector general (Mil.), a staff officer of an army, whose duties are those of inspection, and embrace everything relative to organization, recruiting, discharge, administration, accountability for money and property, instruction, police, and discipline.

One who inspects, views, or oversees; one to whom the supervision of any work is committed; one who makes an official view or examination, as a military or civil officer; a superintendent; a supervisor; an overseer.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

inspector, uinspector, 8inspector, 9inspector, oinspector, jinspector, kinspector, unspector, 8nspector, 9nspector, onspector, jnspector, knspector, iunspector, i8nspector, i9nspector, ionspector, ijnspector, iknspector, ibnspector, ihnspector, ijnspector, imnspector, i nspector, ibspector, ihspector, ijspector, imspector, i spector, inbspector, inhspector, injspector, inmspector, in spector, inaspector, inwspector, inespector, indspector, inxspector, inzspector, inapector, inwpector, inepector, indpector, inxpector, inzpector, insapector, inswpector, insepector, insdpector, insxpector, inszpector, insopector, ins0pector, inslpector, insoector, ins0ector, inslector, inspoector, insp0ector, insplector, inspwector, insp3ector, insp4ector, insprector, inspsector, inspdector, inspwctor, insp3ctor, insp4ctor, insprctor, inspsctor, inspdctor, inspewctor, inspe3ctor, inspe4ctor, insperctor, inspesctor, inspedctor, inspexctor, inspedctor, inspefctor, inspevctor, inspe ctor, inspextor, inspedtor, inspeftor, inspevtor, inspe tor, inspecxtor, inspecdtor, inspecftor, inspecvtor, inspec tor, inspecrtor, inspec5tor, inspec6tor, inspecytor, inspecgtor, inspecror, inspec5or, inspec6or, inspecyor, inspecgor, inspectror, inspect5or, inspect6or, inspectyor, inspectgor, inspectior, inspect9or, inspect0or, inspectpor, inspectlor, inspectir, inspect9r, inspect0r, inspectpr, inspectlr, inspectoir, inspecto9r, inspecto0r, inspectopr, inspectolr, inspectoer, inspecto4r, inspecto5r, inspectotr, inspectofr, inspectoe, inspecto4, inspecto5, inspectot, inspectof, inspectore, inspector4, inspector5, inspectort, inspectorf.


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