

"To be or not to be?" In his most famous line, Hamlet was using the infinitive form of the verb "be." The infinitive form of a verb is its most basic form, usually its "to" version.


Unlimited; not bounded or restricted; undefined.

the uninflected form of the verb

Adjective S.
not having inflections to indicate tense

formed with the infinitive; "an infinitive phrase"

Unlimited; not bounded or restricted; undefined.

An infinitive form of the verb; a verb in the infinitive mood; the infinitive mood.

In the manner of an infinitive mood.


In*fin"i*tive , n. [L. infinitivus: cf. F. infinitif. See Infinite.] Unlimited; not bounded or restricted; undefined. Infinitive mood (Gram.), that form of the verb which merely names the action, and performs the office of a verbal noun. Some grammarians make two forms in English: (a) The simple form, as, speak, go, hear, before which to is commonly placed, as, to speak; to go; to hear. (b) The form of the imperfect participle, called the infinitive in -ing; as, going is as easy as standing. With the auxiliary verbs may, can, must, might, could, would, and should, the simple infinitive is expressed without to; as, you may speak; they must hear, etc. The infinitive usually omits to with the verbs let, dare, do, bid, make, see, hear, need, etc.; as, let me go; you dare not tell; make him work; hear him talk, etc. &hand; In Anglo-Saxon, the simple infinitive was not preceded by to (the sign of modern simple infinitive), but it had a dative form (sometimes called the gerundial infinitive) which was preceded by to, and was chiefly employed in expressing purpose. See Gerund, 2. The gerundial ending (-anne) not only took the same form as the simple infinitive (-an), but it was confounded with the present participle in -ende, or -inde (later -inge).


In*fin"i*tive, n. (Gram.) An infinitive form of the verb; a verb in the infinitive mood; the infinitive mood.


In*fin"i*tive, adv. (Gram.) In the manner of an infinitive mood.

Unlimited; not bounded or restricted; undefined.

An infinitive form of the verb; a verb in the infinitive mood; the infinitive mood.

In the manner of an infinitive mood.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

infinitive, uinfinitive, 8infinitive, 9infinitive, oinfinitive, jinfinitive, kinfinitive, unfinitive, 8nfinitive, 9nfinitive, onfinitive, jnfinitive, knfinitive, iunfinitive, i8nfinitive, i9nfinitive, ionfinitive, ijnfinitive, iknfinitive, ibnfinitive, ihnfinitive, ijnfinitive, imnfinitive, i nfinitive, ibfinitive, ihfinitive, ijfinitive, imfinitive, i finitive, inbfinitive, inhfinitive, injfinitive, inmfinitive, in finitive, indfinitive, inrfinitive, intfinitive, ingfinitive, invfinitive, incfinitive, indinitive, inrinitive, intinitive, inginitive, invinitive, incinitive, infdinitive, infrinitive, inftinitive, infginitive, infvinitive, infcinitive, infuinitive, inf8initive, inf9initive, infoinitive, infjinitive, infkinitive, infunitive, inf8nitive, inf9nitive, infonitive, infjnitive, infknitive, infiunitive, infi8nitive, infi9nitive, infionitive, infijnitive, infiknitive, infibnitive, infihnitive, infijnitive, infimnitive, infi nitive, infibitive, infihitive, infijitive, infimitive, infi itive, infinbitive, infinhitive, infinjitive, infinmitive, infin itive, infinuitive, infin8itive, infin9itive, infinoitive, infinjitive, infinkitive, infinutive, infin8tive, infin9tive, infinotive, infinjtive, infinktive, infiniutive, infini8tive, infini9tive, infiniotive, infinijtive, infiniktive, infinirtive, infini5tive, infini6tive, infiniytive, infinigtive, infinirive, infini5ive, infini6ive, infiniyive, infinigive, infinitrive, infinit5ive, infinit6ive, infinityive, infinitgive, infinituive, infinit8ive, infinit9ive, infinitoive, infinitjive, infinitkive, infinituve, infinit8ve, infinit9ve, infinitove, infinitjve, infinitkve, infinitiuve, infiniti8ve, infiniti9ve, infinitiove, infinitijve, infinitikve, infiniticve, infinitifve, infinitigve, infinitibve, infiniti ve, infinitice, infinitife, infinitige, infinitibe, infiniti e, infinitivce, infinitivfe, infinitivge, infinitivbe, infinitiv e, infinitivwe, infinitiv3e, infinitiv4e, infinitivre, infinitivse, infinitivde, infinitivw, infinitiv3, infinitiv4, infinitivr, infinitivs, infinitivd, infinitivew, infinitive3, infinitive4, infinitiver, infinitives, infinitived.