If something is hollow, it is empty on the inside. A chocolate Easter bunny looks like so much chocolate until you realize that it is hollow and quickly eaten.
Having an empty space or cavity, natural or artificial, within a solid substance; not solid; excavated in the interior;
a depression hollowed out of solid matter
a small valley between mountains; "he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians"
a cavity or space in something; "hunger had caused the hollows in their cheeks"
remove the interior of; "hollow out a tree trunk"
remove the inner part or the core of; "the mining company wants to excavate the hillsite"
Adjective S.
devoid of significance or point; "empty promises"; "a hollow victory"; "vacuous comments"
Adjective S.
as if echoing in a hollow space; "the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom"
Adjective S.
deliberately deceptive; "hollow (or false) promises"; "false pretenses"
not solid; having a space or gap or cavity; "a hollow wall"; "a hollow tree"; "hollow cheeks"; "his face became gaunter and more hollow with each year"
Having an empty space or cavity, natural or artificial,
within a solid substance; not solid; excavated in the interior; as, a
hollow tree; a hollow sphere.
Depressed; concave; gaunt; sunken.
Reverberated from a cavity, or resembling such a sound;
deep; muffled; as, a hollow roar.
Not sincere or faithful; false; deceitful; not sound; as, a
hollow heart; a hollow friend.
A cavity, natural or artificial; an unfilled space within
anything; a hole, a cavern; an excavation; as the hollow of the hand or
of a tree.
A low spot surrounded by elevations; a depressed part of a
surface; a concavity; a channel.
v. t.
To make hollow, as by digging, cutting, or engraving; to
Wholly; completely; utterly; -- chiefly after the verb to
beat, and often with all; as, this story beats the other all hollow.
See All, adv.
v. i.
To shout; to hollo.
v. t.
To urge or call by shouting.
Hollow with boards shalt thou make it.2.
With hollow eye and wrinkled brow.3.
Forests grew Upon the barren hollows.
I hate the dreadful hollow behind the little wood.
The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turks hollow in the struggle for existence.
Whisperings and hollowings are alike to a deaf ear.
He has hollowed the hounds.
Having an empty space or cavity, natural or artificial, within a solid substance; not solid; excavated in the interior;
A cavity, natural or artificial; an unfilled space within anything; a hole, a cavern; an excavation; as the hollow of the hand or of a tree.
To make hollow, as by digging, cutting, or engraving; to excavate.
Wholly; completely; utterly; -- chiefly after the verb to beat, and often with all;
To shout; to hollo.
To urge or call by shouting.
Usage Examples
I've always thought of beauty therapy, 'alternative' treatments and the like as the female equivalent of brothels - for essentially self-deceiving people who feel a bit hollow and have to pay to be touched.
All things on earth point home in old October sailors to sea, travellers to walls and fences, hunters to field and hollow and the long voice of the hounds, the lover to the love he has forsaken.
But if we get to the point where more people do not believe in a God than who do believe in God, we will have a hollow legal system - we will have something without heart.
Misspelled Formhollow, ghollow, yhollow, uhollow, jhollow, nhollow, gollow, yollow, uollow, jollow, nollow, hgollow, hyollow, huollow, hjollow, hnollow, hiollow, h9ollow, h0ollow, hpollow, hlollow, hillow, h9llow, h0llow, hpllow, hlllow, hoillow, ho9llow, ho0llow, hopllow, holllow, hokllow, hoollow, hopllow, ho:llow, hoklow, hoolow, hoplow, ho:low, holklow, hololow, holplow, hol:low, holklow, hololow, holplow, hol:low, holkow, holoow, holpow, hol:ow, hollkow, holloow, hollpow, holl:ow, holliow, holl9ow, holl0ow, hollpow, holllow, holliw, holl9w, holl0w, hollpw, holllw, holloiw, hollo9w, hollo0w, hollopw, hollolw, holloqw, hollo2w, hollo3w, holloew, holloaw, hollosw, holloq, hollo2, hollo3, holloe, holloa, hollos, hollowq, hollow2, hollow3, hollowe, hollowa, hollows.
Other Usage ExamplesBetter than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
The earth is the Lord's fullness thereof: this is no longer a hollow dictum of religion, but a directive for economic action toward human brotherhood.
Science without respect for human life is degrading to us all and reflects a hollow and deceptive philosophy, a philosophy that we as a people should never condone.