

If your father is described as handsome, it means he is good looking, attractive in a classically masculine way. If your mother is also called handsome, it means while she's striking, if not exactly pretty.


Dexterous; skillful; handy; ready; convenient; -- applied to things as persons.

Adjective S.
pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion; "a fine-looking woman"; "a good-looking man"; "better-looking than her sister"; "very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome"- Thackeray; "our southern women a

Adjective S.
given or giving freely; "was a big tipper"; "the bounteous goodness of God"; "bountiful compliments"; "a freehanded host"; "a handsome allowance"; "Saturday''s child is loving and giving"; "a liberal backer of the arts"; "a munificent gift"; "her fond and

Dexterous; skillful; handy; ready; convenient; -- applied to things as persons.

Agreeable to the eye or to correct taste; having a pleasing appearance or expression; attractive; having symmetry and dignity; comely; -- expressing more than pretty, and less than beautiful; as, a handsome man or woman; a handsome garment, house, tree, horse.

Suitable or fit in action; marked with propriety and ease; graceful; becoming; appropriate; as, a handsome style, etc.

Evincing a becoming generosity or nobleness of character; liberal; generous.

Ample; moderately large.


Hand"some (?; 277), a. [Compar. Handsomer ; superl. Handsomest.] [Hand + -some. It at first meant, dexterous; cf. D. handzaam dexterous, ready, limber, manageable, and E. handy.] 1. Dexterous; skillful; handy; ready; convenient; -- applied to things as persons. [Obs.]
That they [engines of war] be both easy to be carried and handsome to be moved and turned about.
For a thief it is so handsome as it may seem it was first invented for him.
2. Agreeable to the eye or to correct taste; having a pleasing appearance or expression; attractive; having symmetry and dignity; comely; -- expressing more than pretty, and less than beautiful; as, a handsome man or woman; a handsome garment, house, tree, horse. 3. Suitable or fit in action; marked with propriety and ease; graceful; becoming; appropriate; as, a handsome style, etc.
Easiness and handsome address in writing.
4. Evincing a becoming generosity or nobleness of character; liberal; generous.
Handsome is as handsome does.
5. Ample; moderately large.
He . . . accumulated a handsome sum of money.
To do the handsome thing, to act liberally. [Colloq.] Syn. -- Handsome, Pretty. Pretty applies to things comparatively small, which please by their delicacy and grace; as, a pretty girl, a pretty flower, a pretty cottage. Handsome rises higher, and is applied to objects on a larger scale. We admire what is handsome, we are pleased with what is pretty. The word is connected with hand, and has thus acquired the idea of training, cultivation, symmetry, and proportion, which enters so largely into our conception of handsome. Thus Drayton makes mention of handsome players, meaning those, who are well trained; and hence we speak of a man's having a handsome address, which is the result of culture; of a handsome horse or dog, which implies well proportioned limbs; of a handsome face, to which, among other qualities, the idea of proportion and a graceful contour are essential; of a handsome tree, and a handsome house or villa. So, from this idea of proportion or suitableness, we have, with a different application, the expressions, a handsome fortune, a handsome offer.

Dexterous; skillful; handy; ready; convenient; -- applied to things as persons.


Usage Examples

No woman can be handsome by the force of features alone, any more that she can be witty by only the help of speech.

Wit is more necessary than beauty and I think no young woman ugly that has it, and no handsome woman agreeable without it.

You know, you grow up with the image of John Travolta being super cool - 'Saturday Night Fever,' Brian De Palma, handsome young god... he, in reality, is a very silly man. And I mean that in a good way. He'll walk around the set talking in little weird voices, making people laugh.

My Dad is my hero. He's 85 now and he is in great health. He is handsome and strong. He has an incredible moral and ethical backbone. I couldn't have been luckier with my parents.

You know, my mother's beautiful, my dad was a really handsome man, and there was a lot of talk about looks when I was growing up.

It's harder to be funny if you're handsome than if you're very normal-looking. It's just more relatable. You're the underdog. I mean it's funny to see people struggle, and you don't buy that Brad Pitt is struggling, you know that guy could be the most skill-less guy in the world, but if you look like that you will be fine for the rest of your life.

Happiness is not that easy to achieve, but having a handsome husband, a beautiful baby, and a great job helps.

Misspelled Form

handsome, ghandsome, yhandsome, uhandsome, jhandsome, nhandsome, gandsome, yandsome, uandsome, jandsome, nandsome, hgandsome, hyandsome, huandsome, hjandsome, hnandsome, hqandsome, hwandsome, hsandsome, hzandsome, hqndsome, hwndsome, hsndsome, hzndsome, haqndsome, hawndsome, hasndsome, hazndsome, habndsome, hahndsome, hajndsome, hamndsome, ha ndsome, habdsome, hahdsome, hajdsome, hamdsome, ha dsome, hanbdsome, hanhdsome, hanjdsome, hanmdsome, han dsome, hansdsome, hanedsome, hanfdsome, hanxdsome, hancdsome, hanssome, hanesome, hanfsome, hanxsome, hancsome, handssome, handesome, handfsome, handxsome, handcsome, handasome, handwsome, handesome, handdsome, handxsome, handzsome, handaome, handwome, handeome, handdome, handxome, handzome, handsaome, handswome, handseome, handsdome, handsxome, handszome, handsiome, hands9ome, hands0ome, handspome, handslome, handsime, hands9me, hands0me, handspme, handslme, handsoime, handso9me, handso0me, handsopme, handsolme, handsonme, handsojme, handsokme, handso,me, handso me, handsone, handsoje, handsoke, handso,e, handso e, handsomne, handsomje, handsomke, handsom,e, handsom e, handsomwe, handsom3e, handsom4e, handsomre, handsomse, handsomde, handsomw, handsom3, handsom4, handsomr, handsoms, handsomd, handsomew, handsome3, handsome4, handsomer, handsomes, handsomed.

Other Usage Examples

Nobody loves a woman because she is handsome or ugly, stupid or intelligent. We love because we love.

You know, I looked at my face in the mirror this morning, and I like being old. My face has more content and when I train in the gym now, I am not training to be strong or handsome - just better than I was yesterday. These days the race is just against myself.

Some mornings you wake up and think, gee I look handsome today. Other days I think, what am I doing in the movies? I wanna go back to Ireland and drive a forklift.

I'm not a strikingly handsome guy, but I'm in movies.

I often feel like I have this spirit living inside of me, always dressing in like short mini skirts... but then I start to discover myself. So there are eight spirits, mischievous ones, sad ones, handsome ones, wise ones, and crazy ones.

I knew that I did not have to buy into society's notion that I had to be handsome and healthy to be happy. I was in charge of my 'spaceship' and it was my up, my down. I could choose to see this situation as a setback or as a starting point. I chose to begin life again.

These are my new shoes. They're good shoes. They won't make you rich like me, they won't make you rebound like me, they definitely won't make you handsome like me. They'll only make you have shoes like me. That's it.

I find very often that very ugly women have really handsome men and vice versa because they don't have any competition. Sometimes handsome men have avoided me.