Frequency measures how often things repeat over time. City buses often reach stops at a frequency of every 15 minutes, unless it's snowing or raining really hard. In that case, the frequency will slow.
The condition of returning frequently; occurrence often repeated; common occurence;
the number of observations in a given statistical category
the ratio of the number of observations in a statistical category to the total number of observations
the number of occurrences within a given time period (usually 1 second); "the frequency of modulation was 40 cycles per second"
The condition of returning frequently; occurrence often
repeated; common occurence; as, the frequency of crimes; the frequency
of miracles.
A crowd; a throng.
The reasons that moved her to remove were, because Rome was a place of riot and luxury, her soul being almost stifled with, the frequencies of ladies' visits.2.
The condition of returning frequently; occurrence often repeated; common occurence;
Usage Examples
While the Environmental Genome Project does not seek to assign allele frequencies, we are aware of the importance of accurate allele frequency estimates for future epidemiologic studies and the large sample sizes such estimates will require.
This is funny because I just had a job over the summer for VH1, a project I did called Strange Frequency where I got to play a Goth rock band singer.
Misspelled Formfrequency, dfrequency, rfrequency, tfrequency, gfrequency, vfrequency, cfrequency, drequency, rrequency, trequency, grequency, vrequency, crequency, fdrequency, frrequency, ftrequency, fgrequency, fvrequency, fcrequency, ferequency, f4requency, f5requency, ftrequency, ffrequency, feequency, f4equency, f5equency, ftequency, ffequency, freequency, fr4equency, fr5equency, frtequency, frfequency, frwequency, fr3equency, fr4equency, frrequency, frsequency, frdequency, frwquency, fr3quency, fr4quency, frrquency, frsquency, frdquency, frewquency, fre3quency, fre4quency, frerquency, fresquency, fredquency, fre1quency, fre2quency, frewquency, freaquency, fre1uency, fre2uency, frewuency, freauency, freq1uency, freq2uency, freqwuency, freqauency, freqyuency, freq7uency, freq8uency, freqiuency, freqjuency, freqyency, freq7ency, freq8ency, freqiency, freqjency, frequyency, frequ7ency, frequ8ency, frequiency, frequjency, frequwency, frequ3ency, frequ4ency, frequrency, frequsency, frequdency, frequwncy, frequ3ncy, frequ4ncy, frequrncy, frequsncy, frequdncy, frequewncy, freque3ncy, freque4ncy, frequerncy, frequesncy, frequedncy, frequebncy, frequehncy, frequejncy, frequemncy, freque ncy, frequebcy, frequehcy, frequejcy, frequemcy, freque cy, frequenbcy, frequenhcy, frequenjcy, frequenmcy, frequen cy, frequenxcy, frequendcy, frequenfcy, frequenvcy, frequen cy, frequenxy, frequendy, frequenfy, frequenvy, frequen y, frequencxy, frequencdy, frequencfy, frequencvy, frequenc y, frequencty, frequenc6y, frequenc7y, frequencuy, frequenchy, frequenct, frequenc6, frequenc7, frequencu, frequench, frequencyt, frequency6, frequency7, frequencyu, frequencyh.
Other Usage ExamplesI was really into Black Sabbath, but heavy guitars can really be very limiting, it's a great frequency and it's great fun to listen to but on the other hand, musically you can do a lot more without it.
You know, what we do know is that there is a high frequency of violence in the home of those who bully.
The science linking the increased frequency and severity of extreme weather to the climate crisis has matured tremendously in the last couple of years.