Any type of dividing or splitting can be called fission. We often equate it with the splitting of atoms, which is called nuclear fission.
A cleaving, splitting, or breaking up into parts.
a nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy
reproduction of some unicellular organisms by division of the cell into two more or less equal parts
A cleaving, splitting, or breaking up into parts.
A method of asexual reproduction among the lowest
(unicellular) organisms by means of a process of self-division,
consisting of gradual division or cleavage of the into two parts, each
of which then becomes a separate and independent organisms; as when a
cell in an animal or plant, or its germ, undergoes a spontaneous
division, and the parts again subdivide. See Segmentation, and Cell
division, under Division.
A process by which certain coral polyps, echinoderms,
annelids, etc., spontaneously subdivide, each individual thus forming
two or more new ones. See Strobilation.
A cleaving, splitting, or breaking up into parts.
Usage Examples
Of all the failed technologies that litter the onward march of science - steam carriages, zeppelins, armoured trains - none has been so catastrophic to prosperity as the last century's attempt to generate electricity from nuclear fission.
Misspelled Formfission, dfission, rfission, tfission, gfission, vfission, cfission, dission, rission, tission, gission, vission, cission, fdission, frission, ftission, fgission, fvission, fcission, fuission, f8ission, f9ission, foission, fjission, fkission, fussion, f8ssion, f9ssion, fossion, fjssion, fkssion, fiussion, fi8ssion, fi9ssion, fiossion, fijssion, fikssion, fiassion, fiwssion, fiession, fidssion, fixssion, fizssion, fiasion, fiwsion, fiesion, fidsion, fixsion, fizsion, fisasion, fiswsion, fisesion, fisdsion, fisxsion, fiszsion, fisasion, fiswsion, fisesion, fisdsion, fisxsion, fiszsion, fisaion, fiswion, fiseion, fisdion, fisxion, fiszion, fissaion, fisswion, fisseion, fissdion, fissxion, fisszion, fissuion, fiss8ion, fiss9ion, fissoion, fissjion, fisskion, fissuon, fiss8on, fiss9on, fissoon, fissjon, fisskon, fissiuon, fissi8on, fissi9on, fissioon, fissijon, fissikon, fissiion, fissi9on, fissi0on, fissipon, fissilon, fissiin, fissi9n, fissi0n, fissipn, fissiln, fissioin, fissio9n, fissio0n, fissiopn, fissioln, fissiobn, fissiohn, fissiojn, fissiomn, fissio n, fissiob, fissioh, fissioj, fissiom, fissio , fissionb, fissionh, fissionj, fissionm, fission .
Other Usage ExamplesRocket scientists agree that we have about reached the limit of our ability to travel in space using chemical rockets. To achieve anything near the speed of light we will need a new energy source and a new propellant. Nuclear fission is not an option.