Employment is your occupation or the fact that you have a job. If you are looking for employment, you might start by attending a job fair if you make a good impression, you might get hired immediately.
The act of employing or using; also, the state of being employed.
the occupation for which you are paid; "he is looking for employment"; "a lot of people are out of work"
the act of using; "he warned against the use of narcotic drugs"; "skilled in the utilization of computers"
the act of giving someone a job
the state of being employed or having a job; "they are looking for employment"; "he was in the employ of the city"
The act of employing or using; also, the state of being
That which engages or occupies; that which consumes
time or attention; office or post of business; service; as,
agricultural employments; mechanical employments; public employments;
in the employment of government.
Cares are employments, and without employ The soul is on a rack.
The act of employing or using; also, the state of being employed.
Usage Examples
Worse there cannot be a better, I believe, there may be, by giving energy to the capital and skill of the country to produce exports, by increasing which, alone, can we flatter ourselves with the prospect of finding employment for that part of our population now unemployed.
Few companies that installed computers to reduce the employment of clerks have realized their expectations... They now need more, and more expensive clerks even though they call them 'operators' or 'programmers.'
I belong to the generation of workers who, born in the villages and hamlets of rural Poland, had the opportunity to acquire education and find employment in industry, becoming in the course conscious of their rights and importance in society.
I felt alienated by the experience and decided to stay away from corporate employment.
The real and effectual discipline which is exercised over a workman is that of his customers. It is the fear of losing their employment which restrains his frauds and corrects his negligence.
Not only our future economic soundness but the very soundness of our democratic institutions depends on the determination of our government to give employment to idle men.
Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists.
Misspelled Formemployment, wemployment, 3employment, 4employment, remployment, semployment, demployment, wmployment, 3mployment, 4mployment, rmployment, smployment, dmployment, ewmployment, e3mployment, e4mployment, ermployment, esmployment, edmployment, enmployment, ejmployment, ekmployment, e,mployment, e mployment, enployment, ejployment, ekployment, e,ployment, e ployment, emnployment, emjployment, emkployment, em,ployment, em ployment, emoployment, em0ployment, emlployment, emoloyment, em0loyment, emlloyment, empoloyment, emp0loyment, emplloyment, empkloyment, empoloyment, empployment, emp:loyment, empkoyment, empooyment, emppoyment, emp:oyment, emplkoyment, emplooyment, emplpoyment, empl:oyment, emplioyment, empl9oyment, empl0oyment, emplpoyment, emplloyment, empliyment, empl9yment, empl0yment, emplpyment, empllyment, emploiyment, emplo9yment, emplo0yment, emplopyment, emplolyment, emplotyment, emplo6yment, emplo7yment, emplouyment, emplohyment, emplotment, emplo6ment, emplo7ment, emploument, emplohment, employtment, employ6ment, employ7ment, employument, employhment, employnment, employjment, employkment, employ,ment, employ ment, employnent, employjent, employkent, employ,ent, employ ent, employmnent, employmjent, employmkent, employm,ent, employm ent, employmwent, employm3ent, employm4ent, employmrent, employmsent, employmdent, employmwnt, employm3nt, employm4nt, employmrnt, employmsnt, employmdnt, employmewnt, employme3nt, employme4nt, employmernt, employmesnt, employmednt, employmebnt, employmehnt, employmejnt, employmemnt, employme nt, employmebt, employmeht, employmejt, employmemt, employme t, employmenbt, employmenht, employmenjt, employmenmt, employmen t, employmenrt, employmen5t, employmen6t, employmenyt, employmengt, employmenr, employmen5, employmen6, employmeny, employmeng, employmentr, employment5, employment6, employmenty, employmentg.
Other Usage ExamplesWe may seem great in an employment below our worth, but we very often look little in one that is too big for us.
As it turns out, social scientists have established only one fact about single women's mental health: employment improves it.
Universities exist to transmit knowledge and understanding of ideas and values to students not to provide entertainment for spectators or employment for athletes.
If borrowing and spending all this money led to more jobs than we would be at full employment already.
The job numbers are positive. We've had more jobs created now than were lost during the recession. We're seeing that the creation, we're seeing those numbers not only grow but shift toward the private sector and shift toward full-time employment and these are all signs that the recovery is taking some hold but we're not out of woods.
The most positive step is to try to expand the employment base by making it, if not economically friendly, at least not economically disastrous, for studios to take on deficits.
Women have seldom sufficient employment to silence their feelings a round of little cares, or vain pursuits frittering away all strength of mind and organs, they become naturally only objects of sense.
I trust the time is coming, when the occupation of an instructor to children will be deemed the most honorable of human employment.