

A state of being distant or standoffish is detachment. Your detachment might mean that you don't cry on the last day of school with all your friends you're just not that emotionally involved.


The act of detaching or separating, or the state of being detached.

the act of releasing from an attachment or connection

coming apart

avoiding emotional involvement

a small unit of troops of special composition

the state of being isolated or detached; "the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel"


The act of detaching or separating, or the state of being detached.

That which is detached; especially, a body of troops or part of a fleet sent from the main body on special service.

Abstraction from worldly objects; renunciation.


De*tach"ment , n. [Cf. F. d'82tachement.] 1. The act of detaching or separating, or the state of being detached. 2. That which is detached; especially, a body of troops or part of a fleet sent from the main body on special service.
Troops . . . widely scattered in little detachments.
3. Abstraction from worldly objects; renunciation.
A trial which would have demanded of him a most heroic faith and the detachment of a saint.

The act of detaching or separating, or the state of being detached.


Usage Examples

The monsters of our childhood do not fade away, neither are they ever wholly monstrous. But neither, in my experience, do we ever reach a plane of detachment regarding our parents, however wise and old we may become. To pretend otherwise is to cheat.

I don't come from a famous family and don't have this detachment from everyday people and everyday life. I'm just doing my job and the attention that comes with it is part of the territory.

Misspelled Form

detachment, sdetachment, edetachment, fdetachment, xdetachment, cdetachment, setachment, eetachment, fetachment, xetachment, cetachment, dsetachment, deetachment, dfetachment, dxetachment, dcetachment, dwetachment, d3etachment, d4etachment, dretachment, dsetachment, ddetachment, dwtachment, d3tachment, d4tachment, drtachment, dstachment, ddtachment, dewtachment, de3tachment, de4tachment, dertachment, destachment, dedtachment, dertachment, de5tachment, de6tachment, deytachment, degtachment, derachment, de5achment, de6achment, deyachment, degachment, detrachment, det5achment, det6achment, detyachment, detgachment, detqachment, detwachment, detsachment, detzachment, detqchment, detwchment, detschment, detzchment, detaqchment, detawchment, detaschment, detazchment, detaxchment, detadchment, detafchment, detavchment, deta chment, detaxhment, detadhment, detafhment, detavhment, deta hment, detacxhment, detacdhment, detacfhment, detacvhment, detac hment, detacghment, detacyhment, detacuhment, detacjhment, detacnhment, detacgment, detacyment, detacument, detacjment, detacnment, detachgment, detachyment, detachument, detachjment, detachnment, detachnment, detachjment, detachkment, detach,ment, detach ment, detachnent, detachjent, detachkent, detach,ent, detach ent, detachmnent, detachmjent, detachmkent, detachm,ent, detachm ent, detachmwent, detachm3ent, detachm4ent, detachmrent, detachmsent, detachmdent, detachmwnt, detachm3nt, detachm4nt, detachmrnt, detachmsnt, detachmdnt, detachmewnt, detachme3nt, detachme4nt, detachmernt, detachmesnt, detachmednt, detachmebnt, detachmehnt, detachmejnt, detachmemnt, detachme nt, detachmebt, detachmeht, detachmejt, detachmemt, detachme t, detachmenbt, detachmenht, detachmenjt, detachmenmt, detachmen t, detachmenrt, detachmen5t, detachmen6t, detachmenyt, detachmengt, detachmenr, detachmen5, detachmen6, detachmeny, detachmeng, detachmentr, detachment5, detachment6, detachmenty, detachmentg.

Other Usage Examples

Obedience is detachment from the self. This is the most radical detachment of all. But what is the self? The self is the principle of reason and responsibility in us. It is the root of freedom, it is what makes us men.

The relevance of Marxism to science is that it removes it from its imagined position of complete detachment and shows it as a part, but a critically important part, of economy and social development.