

A strong cord made from the intestines of sheep and used in surgery


A cord of great toughness made from the intestines of animals, esp. of sheep, used for strings of musical instruments, etc.

a strong cord made from the intestines of sheep and used in surgery

perennial subshrub of eastern North America having downy leaves yellowish and rose flowers and; source of rotenone

A cord of great toughness made from the intestines of animals, esp. of sheep, used for strings of musical instruments, etc.

A sort of linen or canvas, with wide interstices.


Cat"gut` , n. [Cat + gut.] 1. A cord of great toughness made from the intestines of animals, esp. of sheep, used for strings of musical instruments, etc. 2. A sort of linen or canvas, with wide interstices.

A cord of great toughness made from the intestines of animals, esp. of sheep, used for strings of musical instruments, etc.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

catgut, xcatgut, dcatgut, fcatgut, vcatgut, catgut, xatgut, datgut, fatgut, vatgut, atgut, cxatgut, cdatgut, cfatgut, cvatgut, c atgut, cqatgut, cwatgut, csatgut, czatgut, cqtgut, cwtgut, cstgut, cztgut, caqtgut, cawtgut, castgut, caztgut, cartgut, ca5tgut, ca6tgut, caytgut, cagtgut, cargut, ca5gut, ca6gut, caygut, caggut, catrgut, cat5gut, cat6gut, catygut, catggut, catfgut, cattgut, catygut, cathgut, catbgut, catvgut, catfut, cattut, catyut, cathut, catbut, catvut, catgfut, catgtut, catgyut, catghut, catgbut, catgvut, catgyut, catg7ut, catg8ut, catgiut, catgjut, catgyt, catg7t, catg8t, catgit, catgjt, catguyt, catgu7t, catgu8t, catguit, catgujt, catgurt, catgu5t, catgu6t, catguyt, catgugt, catgur, catgu5, catgu6, catguy, catgug, catgutr, catgut5, catgut6, catguty, catgutg.


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