

Castrated male chicken


A castrated cock, esp. when fattened; a male chicken gelded to improve his flesh for the table.

castrated male chicken

flesh of a castrated male chicken

A castrated cock, esp. when fattened; a male chicken gelded to improve his flesh for the table.

v. t.
To castrate; to make a capon of.


Ca"pon , n. [OE. capon, chapoun, AS. capn (cf. F. chapon), L. capo, fr. Gr. akin to to cut, OSlav. skopiti to casrate. CF. Comma.] A castrated cock, esp. when fattened; a male chicken gelded to improve his flesh for the table. Shak.
The merry thought of a capon.


Ca"pon, v. t. To castrate; to make a capon of.

A castrated cock, esp. when fattened; a male chicken gelded to improve his flesh for the table.

To castrate; to make a capon of.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

capon, xcapon, dcapon, fcapon, vcapon, capon, xapon, dapon, fapon, vapon, apon, cxapon, cdapon, cfapon, cvapon, c apon, cqapon, cwapon, csapon, czapon, cqpon, cwpon, cspon, czpon, caqpon, cawpon, caspon, cazpon, caopon, ca0pon, calpon, caoon, ca0on, calon, capoon, cap0on, caplon, capion, cap9on, cap0on, cappon, caplon, capin, cap9n, cap0n, cappn, capln, capoin, capo9n, capo0n, capopn, capoln, capobn, capohn, capojn, capomn, capo n, capob, capoh, capoj, capom, capo , caponb, caponh, caponj, caponm, capon .


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