

When one thing precedes another, it comes before. You put your socks on before your shoes, you close the door before you lock it, and you should make sure the store is open before you leave home.


In front of; preceding in space; ahead of; as, to stand before the fire; before the house.

earlier in time; previously; "I had known her before"; "as I said before"; "he called me the day before but your call had come even earlier"; "her parents had died four years earlier"; "I mentioned that problem earlier"

at or in the front; "I see the lights of a town ahead"; "the road ahead is foggy"; "staring straight ahead"; "we couldn''t see over the heads of the people in front"; "with the cross of Jesus marching on before"

In front of; preceding in space; ahead of; as, to stand before the fire; before the house.

Preceding in time; earlier than; previously to; anterior to the time when; -- sometimes with the additional idea of purpose; in order that.

An advance of; farther onward, in place or time.

Prior or preceding in dignity, order, rank, right, or worth; rather than.

In presence or sight of; face to face with; facing.

Under the cognizance or jurisdiction of.

Open for; free of access to; in the power of.

On the fore part; in front, or in the direction of the front; -- opposed to in the rear.

In advance.

In time past; previously; already.

Earlier; sooner than; until then.


Be*fore" , prep. [OE. beforen, biforen, before, AS. beforan; pref. be- + foran, fore, before. See Be-, and Fore.] 1. In front of; preceding in space; ahead of; as, to stand before the fire; before the house.
His angel, who shall go Before them in a cloud and pillar of fire.
2. Preceding in time; earlier than; previously to; anterior to the time when; -- sometimes with the additional idea of purpose; in order that.
Before Abraham was, I am.
Before this treatise can become of use, two points are necessary.
&hand; Formerly before, in this sense, was followed by that. "Before that Philip called thee . . . I saw thee." John i. 48. 3. An advance of; farther onward, in place or time.
The golden age . . . is before us.
4. Prior or preceding in dignity, order, rank, right, or worth; rather than.
He that cometh after me is preferred before me.
The eldest son is before the younger in succession.
5. In presence or sight of; face to face with; facing.
Abraham bowed down himself before the people.
Wherewith shall I come before the Lord?
6. Under the cognizance or jurisdiction of.
If a suit be begun before an archdeacon.
7. Open for; free of access to; in the power of.
The world was all before them where to choose.
Before the mast (Naut.), as a common sailor, -- because the sailors live in the forecastle, forward of the foremast. -- Before the wind (Naut.), in the direction of the wind and by its impulse; having the wind aft.


Be*fore", adv. 1. On the fore part; in front, or in the direction of the front; -- opposed to in the rear.
The battle was before and behind.
2. In advance. "I come before to tell you." Shak. 3. In time past; previously; already.
You tell me, mother, what I knew before.
4. Earlier; sooner than; until then.
When the butt is out, we will drink water; not a drop before.
&hand; Before is often used in self-explaining compounds; as, before-cited, before-mentioned; beforesaid.

In front of; preceding in space; ahead of; as, to stand before the fire; before the house.

On the fore part; in front, or in the direction of the front; -- opposed to in the rear.


Usage Examples

'10' was amazing! I had no career before '10' and then all of a sudden I was able to do pretty much whatever I was able to do in the business.

A great artist is always before his time or behind it.

A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change.

A great part of courage is the courage of having done the thing before.

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

A child's education should begin at least one hundred years before he is born.

A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after.

Misspelled Form

before, vbefore, gbefore, hbefore, nbefore, before, vefore, gefore, hefore, nefore, efore, bvefore, bgefore, bhefore, bnefore, b efore, bwefore, b3efore, b4efore, brefore, bsefore, bdefore, bwfore, b3fore, b4fore, brfore, bsfore, bdfore, bewfore, be3fore, be4fore, berfore, besfore, bedfore, bedfore, berfore, betfore, begfore, bevfore, becfore, bedore, berore, betore, begore, bevore, becore, befdore, befrore, beftore, befgore, befvore, befcore, befiore, bef9ore, bef0ore, befpore, beflore, befire, bef9re, bef0re, befpre, beflre, befoire, befo9re, befo0re, befopre, befolre, befoere, befo4re, befo5re, befotre, befofre, befoee, befo4e, befo5e, befote, befofe, beforee, befor4e, befor5e, beforte, beforfe, beforwe, befor3e, befor4e, beforre, beforse, beforde, beforw, befor3, befor4, beforr, befors, beford, beforew, before3, before4, beforer, befores, befored.

Other Usage Examples

"My mom cooked pot roast with noodles and frozen vegetables. Or she'd make spaghetti or hot dogs, or heat up TV dinners. Before I started modeling at age 19, I was 5'8"" and weighed 165 pounds."

A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down.

A kitten is chiefly remarkable for rushing about like mad at nothing whatever, and generally stopping before it gets there.

A lot of my emotional issues come from dealing with the opposite sex. I've come to terms with the fact that I'll be retired before I can finally enter into a healthy relationship.

9/11 was a deliberate, carefully planned evil act of the long-waged war on the West by Koran-inspired soldiers of Allah around the world. They hated us before George W. Bush was in office. They hated us before Israel existed. And the avengers of the religion of perpetual outrage will keep hating us.

A lot of these angles are really about trying to mimic broadcast sports angles in order to anchor the scene, to sort of normalize it before it becomes abstracted.

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.