

To taste or cause to taste.


To taste or cause to taste.

v. t.
To taste or cause to taste.


At*taste , v. t. [Pref. a- + taste.] To taste or cause to taste. [Obs.] Chaucer.

To taste or cause to taste.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

attaste, qattaste, wattaste, sattaste, zattaste, qttaste, wttaste, sttaste, zttaste, aqttaste, awttaste, asttaste, azttaste, arttaste, a5ttaste, a6ttaste, ayttaste, agttaste, artaste, a5taste, a6taste, aytaste, agtaste, atrtaste, at5taste, at6taste, atytaste, atgtaste, atrtaste, at5taste, at6taste, atytaste, atgtaste, atraste, at5aste, at6aste, atyaste, atgaste, attraste, att5aste, att6aste, attyaste, attgaste, attqaste, attwaste, attsaste, attzaste, attqste, attwste, attsste, attzste, attaqste, attawste, attasste, attazste, attaaste, attawste, attaeste, attadste, attaxste, attazste, attaate, attawte, attaete, attadte, attaxte, attazte, attasate, attaswte, attasete, attasdte, attasxte, attaszte, attasrte, attas5te, attas6te, attasyte, attasgte, attasre, attas5e, attas6e, attasye, attasge, attastre, attast5e, attast6e, attastye, attastge, attastwe, attast3e, attast4e, attastre, attastse, attastde, attastw, attast3, attast4, attastr, attasts, attastd, attastew, attaste3, attaste4, attaster, attastes, attasted.


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