

To be artful is to do something skillfully, especially in a cunning way. A con man must be artful.


Performed with, or characterized by, art or skill.

marked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft; "the artful dodger"; "an artful choice of metaphors"

not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness; "an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who...exemplified...the most disagreeable traits of his time"- David Cannadine; "a disingenuous excuse"

Performed with, or characterized by, art or skill.

Artificial; imitative.

Using or exhibiting much art, skill, or contrivance; dexterous; skillful.

Cunning; disposed to cunning indirectness of dealing; crafty; as, an artful boy. [The usual sense.]


Art"ful , a. [From Art.] 1. Performed with, or characterized by, art or skill. [Archaic] "Artful strains." "Artful terms." Milton. 2. Artificial; imitative. Addison. 3. Using or exhibiting much art, skill, or contrivance; dexterous; skillful.
He [was] too artful a writer to set down events in exact historical order.
4. Cunning; disposed to cunning indirectness of dealing; crafty; as, an artful boy. [The usual sense.]
Artful in speech, in action, and in mind.
The artful revenge of various animals.
Syn. -- Cunning; skillful; adroit; dexterous; crafty; tricky; deceitful; designing. See Cunning.

Performed with, or characterized by, art or skill.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

artful, qartful, wartful, sartful, zartful, qrtful, wrtful, srtful, zrtful, aqrtful, awrtful, asrtful, azrtful, aertful, a4rtful, a5rtful, atrtful, afrtful, aetful, a4tful, a5tful, attful, aftful, aretful, ar4tful, ar5tful, arttful, arftful, arrtful, ar5tful, ar6tful, arytful, argtful, arrful, ar5ful, ar6ful, aryful, argful, artrful, art5ful, art6ful, artyful, artgful, artdful, artrful, arttful, artgful, artvful, artcful, artdul, artrul, arttul, artgul, artvul, artcul, artfdul, artfrul, artftul, artfgul, artfvul, artfcul, artfyul, artf7ul, artf8ul, artfiul, artfjul, artfyl, artf7l, artf8l, artfil, artfjl, artfuyl, artfu7l, artfu8l, artfuil, artfujl, artfukl, artfuol, artfupl, artfu:l, artfuk, artfuo, artfup, artfu:, artfulk, artfulo, artfulp, artful:.


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