Have you ever suddenly walked into a cloud of small bugs that buzz and poke at you? If so, you were probably annoyed. You might also know humans who make you feel this way.
Adjective S.
aroused to impatience or anger; "made an irritated gesture"; "feeling nettled from the constant teasing"; "peeved about being left out"; "felt really pissed at her snootiness"; "riled no end by his lies"; "roiled by the delay"
Adjective S.
troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances; "harassed working mothers"; "a harried expression"; "her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions"; "the vexed parents of an unruly teenager"
imp. & p. p.
of Annoy
Usage Examples
I've found the best way is to not be scared of the attention but to be grateful for it and open to it. It makes my days better rather than being annoyed that people want my attention.
I remember when I first started in the business, I lost a lot of friends. Some were jealous, some were annoyed at the fact that I was an actress.
I pop gum. My parents get so annoyed with me. I know my dad wishes he never taught me how to do that.
My dreams were all my own I accounted for them to nobody they were my refuge when annoyed - my dearest pleasure when free.
Misspelled Formannoyed, qannoyed, wannoyed, sannoyed, zannoyed, qnnoyed, wnnoyed, snnoyed, znnoyed, aqnnoyed, awnnoyed, asnnoyed, aznnoyed, abnnoyed, ahnnoyed, ajnnoyed, amnnoyed, a nnoyed, abnoyed, ahnoyed, ajnoyed, amnoyed, a noyed, anbnoyed, anhnoyed, anjnoyed, anmnoyed, an noyed, anbnoyed, anhnoyed, anjnoyed, anmnoyed, an noyed, anboyed, anhoyed, anjoyed, anmoyed, an oyed, annboyed, annhoyed, annjoyed, annmoyed, ann oyed, annioyed, ann9oyed, ann0oyed, annpoyed, annloyed, anniyed, ann9yed, ann0yed, annpyed, annlyed, annoiyed, anno9yed, anno0yed, annopyed, annolyed, annotyed, anno6yed, anno7yed, annouyed, annohyed, annoted, anno6ed, anno7ed, annoued, annohed, annoyted, annoy6ed, annoy7ed, annoyued, annoyhed, annoywed, annoy3ed, annoy4ed, annoyred, annoysed, annoyded, annoywd, annoy3d, annoy4d, annoyrd, annoysd, annoydd, annoyewd, annoye3d, annoye4d, annoyerd, annoyesd, annoyedd, annoyesd, annoyeed, annoyefd, annoyexd, annoyecd, annoyes, annoyee, annoyef, annoyex, annoyec, annoyeds, annoyede, annoyedf, annoyedx, annoyedc.
Other Usage ExamplesRight now, I have some big dreams. But at the same time, if I get annoyed and harassed by the media, I'll just quit. I don't care. We're set for life. I have quite a temper.
I remember, when I was an up-and-coming comic, how annoyed I would be when the famous guys would show up and just take everyone's spots.
I love my parents. But I'm almost 28 and it's not fun to be asked, 'What are you doing today? What do you want for dinner? When are you going to be home?' It just makes you feel like a kid. It's this juxtaposition of feeling annoyed and really lucky to have people who love you so much.
Status anxiety definitely exists at a political level. Many Iraqis were annoyed with the US essentially for reasons of status: for not showing them respect, for humiliating them.