Something that's agreeable is pleasant or gratifying. An agreeable travel companion is someone you get along with and whose company you enjoy.
Pleasing, either to the mind or senses; pleasant; grateful;
to your own liking or feelings or nature; "Is the plan agreeable to you?"; "he''s an agreeable fellow"; "My idea of an agreeable a person who agrees with me"- Disraeli; "an agreeable manner"
Adjective S.
prepared to agree or consent; "agreeable to the plan"
suitable to your needs or similar to your nature; "a congenial atmosphere to work in"; "two congenial spirits mutual confidence and reciprocal virtues"- T.L.Peacock
Adjective S.
in keeping; "salaries agreeable with current trends"; "plans conformable with your wishes"; "expressed views concordant with his background"
Pleasing, either to the mind or senses; pleasant;
grateful; as, agreeable manners or remarks; an agreeable person; fruit
agreeable to the taste.
Willing; ready to agree or consent.
Agreeing or suitable; conformable; correspondent;
concordant; adapted; -- followed by to, rarely by with.
In pursuance, conformity, or accordance; -- in this
sense used adverbially for agreeably; as, agreeable to the order of the
day, the House took up the report.
A train of agreeable reveries.2.
These Frenchmen give unto the said captain of Calais a great sum of money, so that he will be but content and agreeable that they may enter into the said town.3.
That which is agreeable to the nature of one thing, is many times contrary to the nature of another.4.
Pleasing, either to the mind or senses; pleasant; grateful;
Usage Examples
Wit is more necessary than beauty and I think no young woman ugly that has it, and no handsome woman agreeable without it.
It is with rivers as it is with people: the greatest are not always the most agreeable nor the best to live with.
Remember that when you meet your antagonist, to do everything in a mild agreeable manner. Let your courage be keen, but, at the same time, as polished as your sword.
My dreams were at once more fantastic and agreeable than my writings.
In this connection, faith and experience teach us many truths by means of the short-cut of authority and by the proofs of very pleasant and agreeable feelings.
Freedom isn't free. It shouldn't be a bragging point that 'Oh, I don't get involved in politics,' as if that makes someone cleaner. No, that makes you derelict of duty in a republic. Liars and panderers in government would have a much harder time of it if so many people didn't insist on their right to remain ignorant and blindly agreeable.
Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious.
Happiness: an agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another.
Misspelled Formagreeable, qagreeable, wagreeable, sagreeable, zagreeable, qgreeable, wgreeable, sgreeable, zgreeable, aqgreeable, awgreeable, asgreeable, azgreeable, afgreeable, atgreeable, aygreeable, ahgreeable, abgreeable, avgreeable, afreeable, atreeable, ayreeable, ahreeable, abreeable, avreeable, agfreeable, agtreeable, agyreeable, aghreeable, agbreeable, agvreeable, agereeable, ag4reeable, ag5reeable, agtreeable, agfreeable, ageeeable, ag4eeable, ag5eeable, agteeable, agfeeable, agreeeable, agr4eeable, agr5eeable, agrteeable, agrfeeable, agrweeable, agr3eeable, agr4eeable, agrreeable, agrseeable, agrdeeable, agrweable, agr3eable, agr4eable, agrreable, agrseable, agrdeable, agreweable, agre3eable, agre4eable, agrereable, agreseable, agredeable, agreweable, agre3eable, agre4eable, agrereable, agreseable, agredeable, agrewable, agre3able, agre4able, agrerable, agresable, agredable, agreewable, agree3able, agree4able, agreerable, agreesable, agreedable, agreeqable, agreewable, agreesable, agreezable, agreeqble, agreewble, agreesble, agreezble, agreeaqble, agreeawble, agreeasble, agreeazble, agreeavble, agreeagble, agreeahble, agreeanble, agreea ble, agreeavle, agreeagle, agreeahle, agreeanle, agreea le, agreeabvle, agreeabgle, agreeabhle, agreeabnle, agreeab le, agreeabkle, agreeabole, agreeabple, agreeab:le, agreeabke, agreeaboe, agreeabpe, agreeab:e, agreeablke, agreeabloe, agreeablpe, agreeabl:e, agreeablwe, agreeabl3e, agreeabl4e, agreeablre, agreeablse, agreeablde, agreeablw, agreeabl3, agreeabl4, agreeablr, agreeabls, agreeabld, agreeablew, agreeable3, agreeable4, agreeabler, agreeables, agreeabled.
Other Usage ExamplesHope, deceiving as it is, serves at least to lead us to the end of our lives by an agreeable route.
One of the principal goals in my life has been to avoid embarrassing my children by doing the job I do. I hope I've managed to do that, and I hope that, with the job I'm in now, they are, if not proud, at least unembarrassed by it. I must say, my three are most agreeable children, who do nothing but delight me.
Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed.
Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul.
All, all is theft, all is unceasing and rigorous competition in nature the desire to make off with the substance of others is the foremost - the most legitimate - passion nature has bred into us and, without doubt, the most agreeable one.
There is nothing more agreeable in life than to make peace with the Establishment - and nothing more corrupting.
Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions they pass no criticisms.
It is more agreeable to have the power to give than to receive.
If you wish to appear agreeable in society, you must consent to be taught many things which you know already.