An agency usually provides a service, like an aid organization or a government bureau. If you're looking for a job, an employment agency might be able to help.
The faculty of acting or of exerting power; the state of being in action; action; instrumentality.
how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction"; "the true way to success"
a business that serves other businesses
an administrative unit of government; "the Central Intelligence Agency"; "the Census Bureau"; "Office of Management and Budget"; "Tennessee Valley Authority"
the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agent
the state of being in action or exerting power; "the agency of providence"; "she has free agency"
The faculty of acting or of exerting power; the state of
being in action; action; instrumentality.
The office of an agent, or factor; the relation between a
principal and his agent; business of one intrusted with the concerns of
The place of business of am agent.
The superintendence and agency of Providence in the natural world.2.
The faculty of acting or of exerting power; the state of being in action; action; instrumentality.
Usage Examples
An advertising agency is 85 percent confusion and 15 percent commission.
My approach to cutting spending as president, is to do a ten percent across the board cut of all federal agencies, and then ask each of my new agency heads to find another ten percent by drilling down. That's what you do in business to come up with approximately 20 percent cuts for the first fiscal year budget.
Some people think my father was a spy, because of working for that government agency in Vietnam, but he can't find his car keys, much less keep a national secret.
Despite Arizona's remarkable growth in recent years, we have met the current federal health standards for ozone pollution and the Environmental Protection Agency recently approved our dust control plan.
Just as there's garbage that pollutes the Potomac river, there is garbage polluting our culture. We need an Environmental Protection Agency to clean it up.
Equality of rights means that some people cannot simply impose obligations on others, for the moral agency and rights of those others would then be violated.
If, then, knowledge be power, how much more power to we gain through the agency of faith, and what elevation must it give to human character.
Chess is as elaborate a waste of human intelligence as you can find outside an advertising agency.
Chess is the most elaborate waste of human intelligence outside of an advertising agency.
Misspelled Formagency, qagency, wagency, sagency, zagency, qgency, wgency, sgency, zgency, aqgency, awgency, asgency, azgency, afgency, atgency, aygency, ahgency, abgency, avgency, afency, atency, ayency, ahency, abency, avency, agfency, agtency, agyency, aghency, agbency, agvency, agwency, ag3ency, ag4ency, agrency, agsency, agdency, agwncy, ag3ncy, ag4ncy, agrncy, agsncy, agdncy, agewncy, age3ncy, age4ncy, agerncy, agesncy, agedncy, agebncy, agehncy, agejncy, agemncy, age ncy, agebcy, agehcy, agejcy, agemcy, age cy, agenbcy, agenhcy, agenjcy, agenmcy, agen cy, agenxcy, agendcy, agenfcy, agenvcy, agen cy, agenxy, agendy, agenfy, agenvy, agen y, agencxy, agencdy, agencfy, agencvy, agenc y, agencty, agenc6y, agenc7y, agencuy, agenchy, agenct, agenc6, agenc7, agencu, agench, agencyt, agency6, agency7, agencyu, agencyh.
Other Usage ExamplesI had been involved in U.S. intelligence in Berlin, Germany, while in the military and had worked with a contact with the Central Intelligence Agency office there.
How can faceless bureaucrats in an intelligence agency deny brave soldiers a chance to tell the truth?
I am not a member of the CIA or any other intelligence agency.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
In modern society, where most people live in cities, and where both needs and wishes are absolved through the same remote agency - money - the distinction between wishes and needs has altogether vanished.
All pro sports, as well as the NCAA, should thank God every day we have sports betting here... We have the only agency in the world that regulates the honesty of games.
I had a lot of success from the start. I never really was tested for long periods of time. I got my first professional job while I was a senior in college. I signed with the William Morris Agency before I graduated.
Internet entrepreneurs are using technology at every level of their company - from a one-person agency to a small firm, the newest technological advances are interwoven throughout every aspect of Internet-based businesses.
Agency by agency, we frequently have lost a bit of ground, at least to inflation-but had it not been for the efforts we've made to educate people about the importance of science, technology and advanced education, those predictions very well might have come true.