

One who lives under a theocratic form of government; one who in civil affairs conforms to divine law.


One who lives under a theocratic form of government; one who in civil affairs conforms to divine law.

One who lives under a theocratic form of government; one who in civil affairs conforms to divine law.


The"o*crat , n. One who lives under a theocratic form of government; one who in civil affairs conforms to divine law.

One who lives under a theocratic form of government; one who in civil affairs conforms to divine law.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

Theocrat, Theocrat, heocrat, Theocrat, Tgheocrat, Tyheocrat, Tuheocrat, Tjheocrat, Tnheocrat, Tgeocrat, Tyeocrat, Tueocrat, Tjeocrat, Tneocrat, Thgeocrat, Thyeocrat, Thueocrat, Thjeocrat, Thneocrat, Thweocrat, Th3eocrat, Th4eocrat, Threocrat, Thseocrat, Thdeocrat, Thwocrat, Th3ocrat, Th4ocrat, Throcrat, Thsocrat, Thdocrat, Thewocrat, The3ocrat, The4ocrat, Therocrat, Thesocrat, Thedocrat, Theiocrat, The9ocrat, The0ocrat, Thepocrat, Thelocrat, Theicrat, The9crat, The0crat, Thepcrat, Thelcrat, Theoicrat, Theo9crat, Theo0crat, Theopcrat, Theolcrat, Theoxcrat, Theodcrat, Theofcrat, Theovcrat, Theo crat, Theoxrat, Theodrat, Theofrat, Theovrat, Theo rat, Theocxrat, Theocdrat, Theocfrat, Theocvrat, Theoc rat, Theocerat, Theoc4rat, Theoc5rat, Theoctrat, Theocfrat, Theoceat, Theoc4at, Theoc5at, Theoctat, Theocfat, Theocreat, Theocr4at, Theocr5at, Theocrtat, Theocrfat, Theocrqat, Theocrwat, Theocrsat, Theocrzat, Theocrqt, Theocrwt, Theocrst, Theocrzt, Theocraqt, Theocrawt, Theocrast, Theocrazt, Theocrart, Theocra5t, Theocra6t, Theocrayt, Theocragt, Theocrar, Theocra5, Theocra6, Theocray, Theocrag, Theocratr, Theocrat5, Theocrat6, Theocraty, Theocratg.


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