

(Greek mythology) the Titaness who was mother of Helios and Selene and Eos in ancient mythology


A genus of plants found in China and Japan; the tea plant.

(Greek mythology) the Titaness who was mother of Helios and Selene and Eos in ancient mythology

A genus of plants found in China and Japan; the tea plant.


The"a , n. [NL. See Tea.] (Bot.) A genus of plants found in China and Japan; the tea plant. &hand; It is now commonly referred to the genus camellia.

A genus of plants found in China and Japan; the tea plant.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

Thea, Thea, hea, Thea, Tghea, Tyhea, Tuhea, Tjhea, Tnhea, Tgea, Tyea, Tuea, Tjea, Tnea, Thgea, Thyea, Thuea, Thjea, Thnea, Thwea, Th3ea, Th4ea, Threa, Thsea, Thdea, Thwa, Th3a, Th4a, Thra, Thsa, Thda, Thewa, The3a, The4a, Thera, Thesa, Theda, Theqa, Thewa, Thesa, Theza, Theq, Thew, Thes, Thez, Theaq, Theaw, Theas, Theaz.


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