

When you prove something, you show that it's true. If you say you love eating raw eggs, you may have to prove it by chugging a few. When someone asks you to prove something, you need evidence, also known as proof.


To try or to ascertain by an experiment, or by a test or standard; to test; as, to prove the strength of gunpowder or of ordnance; to prove the contents of a vessel by a standard measure.

establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment; "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound"; "The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture"

prove formally; demonstrate by a mathematical, formal proof

obtain probate of; "prove a will"

provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence"

take a trial impression of


cause to puff up with a leaven; "unleavened bread"

increase in volume; "the dough rose slowly in the warm room"

put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to; "This approach has been tried with good results"; "Test this recipe"

be shown or be found to be; "She proved to be right"; "The medicine turned out to save her life"; "She turned up HIV positive"

v. t.
To try or to ascertain by an experiment, or by a test or standard; to test; as, to prove the strength of gunpowder or of ordnance; to prove the contents of a vessel by a standard measure.

v. t.
To evince, establish, or ascertain, as truth, reality, or fact, by argument, testimony, or other evidence.

v. t.
To ascertain or establish the genuineness or validity of; to verify; as, to prove a will.

v. t.
To gain experience of the good or evil of; to know by trial; to experience; to suffer.

v. t.
To test, evince, ascertain, or verify, as the correctness of any operation or result; thus, in subtraction, if the difference between two numbers, added to the lesser number, makes a sum equal to the greater, the correctness of the subtraction is proved.

v. t.
To take a trial impression of; to take a proof of; as, to prove a page.

v. i.
To make trial; to essay.

v. i.
To be found by experience, trial, or result; to turn out to be; as, a medicine proves salutary; the report proves false.

v. i.
To succeed; to turn out as expected.


Prove , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Proved ; p. pr. & vb. n. Proving.] [OE. prover, F. prouver, fr. L. probare to try, approve, prove, fr. probus good, proper. Cf. Probable, Proof, Probe.] 1. To try or to ascertain by an experiment, or by a test or standard; to test; as, to prove the strength of gunpowder or of ordnance; to prove the contents of a vessel by a standard measure.
Thou hast proved mine heart.
2. To evince, establish, or ascertain, as truth, reality, or fact, by argument, testimony, or other evidence.
They have inferred much from slender premises, and conjectured when they could not prove.
3. To ascertain or establish the genuineness or validity of; to verify; as, to prove a will. 4. To gain experience of the good or evil of; to know by trial; to experience; to suffer.
Where she, captived long, great woes did prove.
5. (Arith.) To test, evince, ascertain, or verify, as the correctness of any operation or result; thus, in subtraction, if the difference between two numbers, added to the lesser number, makes a sum equal to the greater, the correctness of the subtraction is proved. 6. (Printing) To take a trial impression of; to take a proof of; as, to prove a page. Syn. -- To try; verify; justify; confirm; establish; evince; manifest; show; demonstrate.


Prove, v. i. 1. To make trial; to essay. 2. To be found by experience, trial, or result; to turn out to be; as, a medicine proves salutary; the report proves false. "The case proves mortal." Arbuthnot.
So life a winter's morn may prove.
3. To succeed; to turn out as expected. [Obs.] "The experiment proved not." Bacon.

To try or to ascertain by an experiment, or by a test or standard; to test; as, to prove the strength of gunpowder or of ordnance; to prove the contents of a vessel by a standard measure.

To make trial; to essay.


Usage Examples

Another thing that's pathetic is this rule that you have to look ugly to get respect as an actress. Jessica Lange had to make herself look really bad to prove that she had amazing talent.

A team is where a boy can prove his courage on his own. A gang is where a coward goes to hide.

Also, to be honest, my dad wanted me to be an athlete. And I think all sons want to prove something to their dad. So now, aged 35, I want to see what I can achieve physically.

Days will prove that the assassination policy will not finish the Hamas. Hamas leaders wish to be martyrs and are not scared of death. Jihad will continue and the resistance will continue until we have victory, or we will be martyrs.

Education is a crutch with which the foolish attack the wise to prove that they are not idiots.

A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.

15 minutes a day! Give me just this and I'll prove I can make you a new man.

Also, in a funny way, if you have been happily married there are no unresolved areas, nothing to prove to yourself after the other dies.

Misspelled Form

Prove, Prove, rove, Prove, Perove, P4rove, P5rove, Ptrove, Pfrove, Peove, P4ove, P5ove, Ptove, Pfove, Preove, Pr4ove, Pr5ove, Prtove, Prfove, Priove, Pr9ove, Pr0ove, Prpove, Prlove, Prive, Pr9ve, Pr0ve, Prpve, Prlve, Proive, Pro9ve, Pro0ve, Propve, Prolve, Procve, Profve, Progve, Probve, Pro ve, Proce, Profe, Proge, Probe, Pro e, Provce, Provfe, Provge, Provbe, Prov e, Provwe, Prov3e, Prov4e, Provre, Provse, Provde, Provw, Prov3, Prov4, Provr, Provs, Provd, Provew, Prove3, Prove4, Prover, Proves, Proved.

Other Usage Examples

A god who let us prove his existence would be an idol.

Bear and endure: This sorrow will one day prove to be for your good.

A great many things which in times of lesser knowledge we imagined to be superstitious or useless, prove today on examination to have been of immense value to mankind.

Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones.

All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.

A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.

American influence in the world is certainly considerable, but the United States does not control, directly or indirectly, the politics and economics of other societies, as empires have always done, save for a few special cases that turn out to be the exceptions that prove the rule.

All religion seems to need to prove that it's the only truth. And that's where it turns demonic. Because that's when you get religious wars and persecutions and burning heretics at the stake.

Basically, women have to prove they are strong at all times. And then when they go on the attack, they have to not appear mean because those women often get the label of being catty.


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