

Loathsome things are things people hate so much they make you want to throw up.


Fitted to cause loathing; exciting disgust; disgusting.

Adjective S.
highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust; "a disgusting smell"; "distasteful language"; "a loathsome disease"; "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me"; "revolting food"; "a wicked stench"

Adjective S.
causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench"

Fitted to cause loathing; exciting disgust; disgusting.


Loath"some , a. Fitted to cause loathing; exciting disgust; disgusting.
The most loathsome and deadly forms of infection.
-- Loath"some*ly. adv. -- Loath"some*ness, n.

Fitted to cause loathing; exciting disgust; disgusting.


Usage Examples

Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful.

Misspelled Form

Loathsome, Loathsome, oathsome, Loathsome, Lioathsome, L9oathsome, L0oathsome, Lpoathsome, Lloathsome, Liathsome, L9athsome, L0athsome, Lpathsome, Llathsome, Loiathsome, Lo9athsome, Lo0athsome, Lopathsome, Lolathsome, Loqathsome, Lowathsome, Losathsome, Lozathsome, Loqthsome, Lowthsome, Losthsome, Lozthsome, Loaqthsome, Loawthsome, Loasthsome, Loazthsome, Loarthsome, Loa5thsome, Loa6thsome, Loaythsome, Loagthsome, Loarhsome, Loa5hsome, Loa6hsome, Loayhsome, Loaghsome, Loatrhsome, Loat5hsome, Loat6hsome, Loatyhsome, Loatghsome, Loatghsome, Loatyhsome, Loatuhsome, Loatjhsome, Loatnhsome, Loatgsome, Loatysome, Loatusome, Loatjsome, Loatnsome, Loathgsome, Loathysome, Loathusome, Loathjsome, Loathnsome, Loathasome, Loathwsome, Loathesome, Loathdsome, Loathxsome, Loathzsome, Loathaome, Loathwome, Loatheome, Loathdome, Loathxome, Loathzome, Loathsaome, Loathswome, Loathseome, Loathsdome, Loathsxome, Loathszome, Loathsiome, Loaths9ome, Loaths0ome, Loathspome, Loathslome, Loathsime, Loaths9me, Loaths0me, Loathspme, Loathslme, Loathsoime, Loathso9me, Loathso0me, Loathsopme, Loathsolme, Loathsonme, Loathsojme, Loathsokme, Loathso,me, Loathso me, Loathsone, Loathsoje, Loathsoke, Loathso,e, Loathso e, Loathsomne, Loathsomje, Loathsomke, Loathsom,e, Loathsom e, Loathsomwe, Loathsom3e, Loathsom4e, Loathsomre, Loathsomse, Loathsomde, Loathsomw, Loathsom3, Loathsom4, Loathsomr, Loathsoms, Loathsomd, Loathsomew, Loathsome3, Loathsome4, Loathsomer, Loathsomes, Loathsomed.

Other Usage Examples

Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them!

To all those who walk the path of human cooperation war must appear loathsome and inhuman.


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