

If you loathe someone or something, you hate them very much. You might not choose to eat raw carrots if you dislike them, but if you loathe them, you might have a hard time even having them on your plate.


To feel extreme disgust at, or aversion for.

find repugnant; "I loathe that man"; "She abhors cats"

v. t.
To feel extreme disgust at, or aversion for.

v. t.
To dislike greatly; to abhor; to hate.

v. i.
To feel disgust or nausea.


Loathe , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Loathed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Loathing.] [AS. l'beian to hate. See Loath.] 1. To feel extreme disgust at, or aversion for.
Loathing the honeyed cakes, I Ionged for bread.
2. To dislike greatly; to abhor; to hate.
The secret which I loathe.
She loathes the vital sir.
Syn. -- To hate; abhor; detest; abominate. See Hate.


Loathe, v. i. To feel disgust or nausea. [Obs.]

To feel extreme disgust at, or aversion for.

To feel disgust or nausea.


Usage Examples

I plant a lot of trees. I am a great believer in planting things for future generations. I loathe the now culture where you just live for today.

I loathe gardening, but I love gardens, and I have two beautiful gardens. I can not bear gardening, but I love gardens.

It is hard, I submit, to loathe bloodshed, including war, more than I do, but it is still harder to exceed my loathing of the very nature of totalitarian states in which massacre is only an administrative detail.

Misspelled Form

Loathe, Loathe, oathe, Loathe, Lioathe, L9oathe, L0oathe, Lpoathe, Lloathe, Liathe, L9athe, L0athe, Lpathe, Llathe, Loiathe, Lo9athe, Lo0athe, Lopathe, Lolathe, Loqathe, Lowathe, Losathe, Lozathe, Loqthe, Lowthe, Losthe, Lozthe, Loaqthe, Loawthe, Loasthe, Loazthe, Loarthe, Loa5the, Loa6the, Loaythe, Loagthe, Loarhe, Loa5he, Loa6he, Loayhe, Loaghe, Loatrhe, Loat5he, Loat6he, Loatyhe, Loatghe, Loatghe, Loatyhe, Loatuhe, Loatjhe, Loatnhe, Loatge, Loatye, Loatue, Loatje, Loatne, Loathge, Loathye, Loathue, Loathje, Loathne, Loathwe, Loath3e, Loath4e, Loathre, Loathse, Loathde, Loathw, Loath3, Loath4, Loathr, Loaths, Loathd, Loathew, Loathe3, Loathe4, Loather, Loathes, Loathed.

Other Usage Examples

I loathe and detest all this trivialisation of politics.

In the mean time I worship God, laying every wrong action under an interdict which I endeavour to respect, and I loathe the wicked without doing them any injury.

I think the deafness affects me more than I realise I think it makes me more tired. I loathe parties. I attend, smile and leave.


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