

Versed in, or acquainted with, literature; occupied with literature as a profession; connected with literature or with men of letters; as, a literary man.


Of or pertaining to letters or literature; pertaining to learning or learned men; as, literary fame; a literary history; literary conversation.

Adjective S.
appropriate to literature rather than everyday speech or writing; "when trying to impress someone she spoke in an affected literary style"

Adjective S.
knowledgeable about literature; "a literary style"

of or relating to or characteristic of literature; "literary criticism"

Of or pertaining to letters or literature; pertaining to learning or learned men; as, literary fame; a literary history; literary conversation.

Versed in, or acquainted with, literature; occupied with literature as a profession; connected with literature or with men of letters; as, a literary man.


Lit"er*a*ry , a. [L. litterarius, literarius,fr. littera, litera, a letter: cf. F. litt'82raire. See Letter.] 1. Of or pertaining to letters or literature; pertaining to learning or learned men; as, literary fame; a literary history; literary conversation.
He has long outlived his century, the term commonly fixed as the test of literary merit.
2. Versed in, or acquainted with, literature; occupied with literature as a profession; connected with literature or with men of letters; as, a literary man.
In the literary as well as fashionable world.
Literary property. (a) Property which consists in written or printed compositions. (b) The exclusive right of publication as recognized and limited by law.

Of or pertaining to letters or literature; pertaining to learning or learned men; as, literary fame; a literary history; literary conversation.


Usage Examples

I often find myself privately stewing about much British art, thinking that except for their tremendous gardens, that the English are not primarily visual artists, and are, in nearly unsurpassable ways, literary.

Hardboiled crime fiction came of age in 'Black Mask' magazine during the Twenties and Thirties. Writers like Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler learnt their craft and developed a distinct literary style and attitude toward the modern world.

I can't change overnight into a serious literary author. You can't compare apples to oranges. William Faulkner was a great literary genius. I am not.

For this reason, to study English literature without some general knowledge of the relation of the Bible to that literature would be to leave one's literary education very incomplete.

Doesn't all experience crumble in the end to mere literary material?

I believe my publisher has shown a great deal of faith in me over a lot of years but I'm not prepared to be so arrogant to say that the long-term literary value of my work would compensate them for a financial failure.

I am an Episcopalian who takes the faith of my fathers seriously, and I would, I think, be disheartened if my own young children were to turn away from the church when they grow up. I am also a critic of Christianity, if by critic one means an observer who brings historical and literary judgment to bear on the texts and traditions of the church.

At last, in 1611, was made, under the auspices of King James, the famous King James version and this is the great literary monument of the English language.

I don't write literary fiction - I write books that are entertaining, but are also, I hope, well-constructed and thoughtful and funny and have things to say about men and women and families and children and life in America today.

Misspelled Form

Literary, Literary, iterary, Literary, Luiterary, L8iterary, L9iterary, Loiterary, Ljiterary, Lkiterary, Luterary, L8terary, L9terary, Loterary, Ljterary, Lkterary, Liuterary, Li8terary, Li9terary, Lioterary, Lijterary, Likterary, Lirterary, Li5terary, Li6terary, Liyterary, Ligterary, Lirerary, Li5erary, Li6erary, Liyerary, Ligerary, Litrerary, Lit5erary, Lit6erary, Lityerary, Litgerary, Litwerary, Lit3erary, Lit4erary, Litrerary, Litserary, Litderary, Litwrary, Lit3rary, Lit4rary, Litrrary, Litsrary, Litdrary, Litewrary, Lite3rary, Lite4rary, Literrary, Litesrary, Litedrary, Liteerary, Lite4rary, Lite5rary, Litetrary, Litefrary, Liteeary, Lite4ary, Lite5ary, Litetary, Litefary, Litereary, Liter4ary, Liter5ary, Litertary, Literfary, Literqary, Literwary, Litersary, Literzary, Literqry, Literwry, Litersry, Literzry, Literaqry, Literawry, Literasry, Literazry, Literaery, Litera4ry, Litera5ry, Literatry, Literafry, Literaey, Litera4y, Litera5y, Literaty, Literafy, Literarey, Literar4y, Literar5y, Literarty, Literarfy, Literarty, Literar6y, Literar7y, Literaruy, Literarhy, Literart, Literar6, Literar7, Literaru, Literarh, Literaryt, Literary6, Literary7, Literaryu, Literaryh.

Other Usage Examples

Every literary critic believes he will outwit history and have the last word.

Anybody who comes to the cinema is bringing they're whole sexual history, their literary history, their movie literacy, their culture, their language, their religion, whatever they've got. I can't possibly manipulate all of that, nor do I want to.

I am in the Master of Professional Writing program teaching Humor Writing, Literary and Dramatic.

Every American poet feels that the whole responsibility for contemporary poetry has fallen upon his shoulders, that he is a literary aristocracy of one.

I did not have a very literary background. I came to poetry from the sciences and mathematics, and also through an interest in Japanese and Chinese poetry in translation.

I guess the two Manifesto, Communicating Vessels, Mad Love, and some of his poetry made a significant mark on me but as far as bringing a literary element into the music I see it as a much broader assimilation.

I never appreciated 'positive heroes' in literature. They are almost always cliches, copies of copies, until the model is exhausted. I prefer perplexity, doubt, uncertainty, not just because it provides a more 'productive' literary raw material, but because that is the way we humans really are.

I dislike literary jargon and never use it. Criticism has only one function and that is to help readers read and understand literature. It is not a science, it is an aid to art.

All literary men are Red Sox fans - to be a Yankee fan in a literate society is to endanger your life.


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