

An inactive volcano in Sicily; last erupted in 1961; the highest volcano in Europe (10,500 feet)


A kind of small, portable, cooking apparatus for which heat is furnished by a spirit lamp.

a gas burner used in laboratories; has an air valve to regulate the mixture of gas and air

an inactive volcano in Sicily; last erupted in 1961; the highest volcano in Europe (10,500 feet)

A kind of small, portable, cooking apparatus for which heat is furnished by a spirit lamp.


Et"na , n. A kind of small, portable, cooking apparatus for which heat is furnished by a spirit lamp.
There should certainly be an etna for getting a hot cup of coffee in a hurry.

A kind of small, portable, cooking apparatus for which heat is furnished by a spirit lamp.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

Etna, Etna, tna, Etna, Ertna, E5tna, E6tna, Eytna, Egtna, Erna, E5na, E6na, Eyna, Egna, Etrna, Et5na, Et6na, Etyna, Etgna, Etbna, Ethna, Etjna, Etmna, Et na, Etba, Etha, Etja, Etma, Et a, Etnba, Etnha, Etnja, Etnma, Etn a, Etnqa, Etnwa, Etnsa, Etnza, Etnq, Etnw, Etns, Etnz, Etnaq, Etnaw, Etnas, Etnaz.


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