

A door is a moving structure that when closed acts as a barrier to a room, house, building, or car. You'll have to open the door to let your dog come inside.


An opening in the wall of a house or of an apartment, by which to go in and out; an entrance way.

a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle; "he knocked on the door"; "he slammed the door as he left"

a room that is entered via a door; "his office is the third door down the hall on the left"

a structure where people live or work (usually ordered along a street or road); "the office next door"; "they live two doors up the street from us"

the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; "he stuck his head in the doorway"

anything providing a means of access (or escape); "we closed the door to Haitian immigrants"; "education is the door to success"


An opening in the wall of a house or of an apartment, by which to go in and out; an entrance way.

The frame or barrier of boards, or other material, usually turning on hinges, by which an entrance way into a house or apartment is closed and opened.

Passage; means of approach or access.

An entrance way, but taken in the sense of the house or apartment to which it leads.


Door , n. [OE. dore, dure, AS. duru; akin to OS. dura, dor, D. deur, OHG. turi, door, tor gate, G. th'81r, thor, Icel. dyrr, Dan. d'94r, Sw. d'94rr, Goth. daur, Lith. durys, Russ. dvere, Olr. dorus, L. fores, Gr. ; cf. Skr. dur, dv'bera. . Cf. Foreign.] 1. An opening in the wall of a house or of an apartment, by which to go in and out; an entrance way.
To the same end, men several paths may tread, As many doors into one temple lead.
2. The frame or barrier of boards, or other material, usually turning on hinges, by which an entrance way into a house or apartment is closed and opened.
At last he came unto an iron door That fast was locked.
3. Passage; means of approach or access.
I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.
4. An entrance way, but taken in the sense of the house or apartment to which it leads.
Martin's office is now the second door in the street.
Blank door, Blind door, etc. (Arch.) See under Blank, Blind, etc. -- In doors, ∨ Within doors, within the house. -- Next door to, near to; bordering on.
A riot unpunished is but next door to a tumult.
-- Out of doors, ∨ Without doors, and, colloquially, Out doors, out of the house; in open air; abroad; away; lost.
His imaginary title of fatherhood is out of doors.
-- To lay (a fault, misfortune, etc.) at one's door, to charge one with a fault; to blame for. -- To lie at one's door, to be imputable or chargeable to.
If I have failed, the fault lies wholly at my door.
&hand; Door is used in an adjectival construction or as the first part of a compound (with or without the hyphen), as, door frame, doorbell or door bell, door knob or doorknob, door latch or doorlatch, door jamb, door handle, door mat, door panel.

An opening in the wall of a house or of an apartment, by which to go in and out; an entrance way.


Usage Examples

Being on 'Glee' was amazing. I remember my first day on set, my first day I arrived to the set I was in my trailer and all of the actors came and banged on my door - Lea Michele, Chris Colfer, Amber Riley, Naya Rivera. They all welcomed me with open arms, so it was a great experience. It felt like family, and I miss them a lot over there.

Depression opens the door to beauty of some kind.

Faith goes out through the window when beauty comes in at the door.

Doorman - a genius who can open the door of your car with one hand, help you in with the other, and still have one left for the tip.

As the fly bangs against the window attempting freedom while the door stands open, so we bang against death ignoring heaven.

A fulfilling life is different to each person. You have to acknowledge your dreams, and not just wait for life to happen, and opportunities to come knocking at your door.

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.

Misspelled Form

Door, Door, oor, Door, Dioor, D9oor, D0oor, Dpoor, Dloor, Dior, D9or, D0or, Dpor, Dlor, Doior, Do9or, Do0or, Dopor, Dolor, Doior, Do9or, Do0or, Dopor, Dolor, Doir, Do9r, Do0r, Dopr, Dolr, Dooir, Doo9r, Doo0r, Doopr, Doolr, Dooer, Doo4r, Doo5r, Dootr, Doofr, Dooe, Doo4, Doo5, Doot, Doof, Doore, Door4, Door5, Doort, Doorf.

Other Usage Examples

And to me, fame is not a positive thing. The idea of being famous is a lot better than the reality. It's fantastic when you go to premieres and people cheer you, but it's not real. And it's totally not my approach to get my name on a club door just because I can.

All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning. Great works are often born on a street corner or in a restaurant's revolving door.

Charity begins at home, and justice begins next door.

Fairy tales opened up a door into my imagination - they don't conform to the reality that's around you as a child. I started reading when I was three and read everything, but I wanted to be an actress.

Don't let people disrespect you. My mom says don't open the door to the devil. Surround yourself with positive people.

And if small businesspeople say they made it on their own, all they are saying is that nobody else worked seven days a week in their place. Nobody showed up in their place to open the door at five in the morning. Nobody did their thinking, and worrying, and sweating for them.

Don't give up, be positive and if you know someone who knows someone at a record company don't stop beating down their door till you get heard. Don't ever say it'll never happen or it'll never happen.

Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.


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