

A person who acts and gets things done


One who does; one performs or executes; one who is wont and ready to act; an actor; an agent.

a person who acts and gets things done; "he''s a principal actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a doer"; "he''s a miracle worker"

v. t. & i.
One who does; one performs or executes; one who is wont and ready to act; an actor; an agent.

v. t. & i.
An agent or attorney; a factor.


Do"er , m. [From Do, v. t. & i.] 1. One who does; one performs or executes; one who is wont and ready to act; an actor; an agent.
The doers of the law shall be justified.
2. (Scots Law) An agent or attorney; a factor. Burrill.

One who does; one performs or executes; one who is wont and ready to act; an actor; an agent.


Usage Examples

The doer alone learneth.

One thing, however, is sure, - that in all cases the effort should be to impose all the cost of repairing the wrong upon the doer of the wrong. This alone is real justice, and of course such justice is necessarily free.

Misspelled Form

Doer, Doer, oer, Doer, Dioer, D9oer, D0oer, Dpoer, Dloer, Dier, D9er, D0er, Dper, Dler, Doier, Do9er, Do0er, Doper, Doler, Dower, Do3er, Do4er, Dorer, Doser, Doder, Dowr, Do3r, Do4r, Dorr, Dosr, Dodr, Doewr, Doe3r, Doe4r, Doerr, Doesr, Doedr, Doeer, Doe4r, Doe5r, Doetr, Doefr, Doee, Doe4, Doe5, Doet, Doef, Doere, Doer4, Doer5, Doert, Doerf.

Other Usage Examples

A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.

Knowledge, the object of knowledge and the knower are the three factors which motivate action the senses, the work and the doer comprise the threefold basis of action.

If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes.


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