

A doe is a deer, a female deer. Doe can also refer to the female of other animals, but it’s usually a deer. You might spot a doe in the spring, walking through the woods with her babies.


A female deer or antelope; specifically, the female of the fallow deer, of which the male is called a buck. Also applied to the female of other animals, as the rabbit. See the Note under Buck.

mature female of mammals of which the male is called `buck''

the federal department responsible for maintaining a national energy policy of the United States; created in 1977

A female deer or antelope; specifically, the female of the fallow deer, of which the male is called a buck. Also applied to the female of other animals, as the rabbit. See the Note under Buck.

A feat. [Obs.] See Do, n.


Doe , n. [AS. d'be; cf. Dan. daa, daa-dyr, deer, and perh. L. dama. .] (Zo'94l.) A female deer or antelope; specifically, the female of the fallow deer, of which the male is called a buck. Also applied to the female of other animals, as the rabbit. See the Note under Buck.


Doe , n. A feat. [Obs.] See Do, n. Hudibras.

A female deer or antelope; specifically, the female of the fallow deer, of which the male is called a buck. Also applied to the female of other animals, as the rabbit. See the Note under Buck.

A feat. [Obs.] See Do, n.


Usage Examples

As the Nation's primary supporter of research in the physical sciences, the DOE Office of Science led the way in creating a unique system of large-scale, specialized, often one-of-a-kind facilities for scientific discovery.

Misspelled Form

Doe, Doe, oe, Doe, Dioe, D9oe, D0oe, Dpoe, Dloe, Die, D9e, D0e, Dpe, Dle, Doie, Do9e, Do0e, Dope, Dole, Dowe, Do3e, Do4e, Dore, Dose, Dode, Dow, Do3, Do4, Dor, Dos, Dod, Doew, Doe3, Doe4, Doer, Does, Doed.

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