

Something that's aglow is gleaming with light. You might sit outside at night to see the full moon, aglow in the dark sky.


In a glow; glowing; as, cheeks aglow; the landscape all aglow.

adv. & a.
In a glow; glowing; as, cheeks aglow; the landscape all aglow.


A*glow" , adv. & a. [Pref. a- + glow.] In a glow; glowing; as, cheeks aglow; the landscape all aglow.

In a glow; glowing; as, cheeks aglow; the landscape all aglow.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

Aglow, Aglow, glow, Aglow, Afglow, Atglow, Ayglow, Ahglow, Abglow, Avglow, Aflow, Atlow, Aylow, Ahlow, Ablow, Avlow, Agflow, Agtlow, Agylow, Aghlow, Agblow, Agvlow, Agklow, Agolow, Agplow, Ag:low, Agkow, Agoow, Agpow, Ag:ow, Aglkow, Agloow, Aglpow, Agl:ow, Agliow, Agl9ow, Agl0ow, Aglpow, Agllow, Agliw, Agl9w, Agl0w, Aglpw, Agllw, Agloiw, Aglo9w, Aglo0w, Aglopw, Aglolw, Agloqw, Aglo2w, Aglo3w, Agloew, Agloaw, Aglosw, Agloq, Aglo2, Aglo3, Agloe, Agloa, Aglos, Aglowq, Aglow2, Aglow3, Aglowe, Aglowa, Aglows.


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