

Would you be aghast, or shocked, to find out that your friends believe in ghosts, or would you share their frightened, or aghast, looks when a floating white being hovers over the campfire?


See Agast, v. t.

v. t.
To affright; to terrify.

v. t.
See Agast, v. t.

a & p. p.
Terrified; struck with amazement; showing signs of terror or horror.


A*ghast" , v. t. See Agast, v. t. [Obs.]


A*ghast" , a & p. p. [OE. agast, agasted, p. p. of agasten to terrify, fr. AS. pref. 'be- (cf. Goth. us-, G. er-, orig. meaning out) + gstan to terrify, torment: cf. Goth. usgaisjan to terrify, primitively to fix, to root to the spot with terror; akin to L. haerere to stick fast, cling. See Gaze, Hesitate.] Terrified; struck with amazement; showing signs of terror or horror.
Aghast he waked; and, starting from his bed, Cold sweat in clammy drops his limbs o'erspread.
The commissioners read and stood aghast.

See Agast, v. t.

Terrified; struck with amazement; showing signs of terror or horror.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

Aghast, Aghast, ghast, Aghast, Afghast, Atghast, Ayghast, Ahghast, Abghast, Avghast, Afhast, Athast, Ayhast, Ahhast, Abhast, Avhast, Agfhast, Agthast, Agyhast, Aghhast, Agbhast, Agvhast, Agghast, Agyhast, Aguhast, Agjhast, Agnhast, Aggast, Agyast, Aguast, Agjast, Agnast, Aghgast, Aghyast, Aghuast, Aghjast, Aghnast, Aghqast, Aghwast, Aghsast, Aghzast, Aghqst, Aghwst, Aghsst, Aghzst, Aghaqst, Aghawst, Aghasst, Aghazst, Aghaast, Aghawst, Aghaest, Aghadst, Aghaxst, Aghazst, Aghaat, Aghawt, Aghaet, Aghadt, Aghaxt, Aghazt, Aghasat, Aghaswt, Aghaset, Aghasdt, Aghasxt, Aghaszt, Aghasrt, Aghas5t, Aghas6t, Aghasyt, Aghasgt, Aghasr, Aghas5, Aghas6, Aghasy, Aghasg, Aghastr, Aghast5, Aghast6, Aghasty, Aghastg.


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