

People who chew with their mouths open often aggravate the people near them, meaning that they exasperate their neighbors.


To make heavy or heavier; to add to; to increase.

make worse; "This drug aggravates the pain"

exasperate or irritate

v. t.
To make heavy or heavier; to add to; to increase.

v. t.
To make worse, or more severe; to render less tolerable or less excusable; to make more offensive; to enhance; to intensify.

v. t.
To give coloring to in description; to exaggerate; as, to aggravate circumstances.

v. t.
To exasperate; to provoke; to irritate.


Ag"gra*vate , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Aggravated ; p. pr. & vb. n. Aggravating.] [L. aggravatus, p. p. of aggravare. See Aggrieve.] 1. To make heavy or heavier; to add to; to increase. [Obs.] "To aggravate thy store." Shak. 2. To make worse, or more severe; to render less tolerable or less excusable; to make more offensive; to enhance; to intensify. "To aggravate my woes." Pope.
To aggravate the horrors of the scene.
The defense made by the prisioner's counsel did rather aggravate than extenuate his crime.
3. To give coloring to in description; to exaggerate; as, to aggravate circumstances. Paley. 4. To exasperate; to provoke; to irritate. [Colloq.]
If both were to aggravate her parents, as my brother and sister do mine.
Syn. -- To heighten; intensify; increase; magnify; exaggerate; provoke; irritate; exasperate.

To make heavy or heavier; to add to; to increase.


Usage Examples

Courage enlarges, cowardice diminishes resources. In desperate straits the fears of the timid aggravate the dangers that imperil the brave.

Misspelled Form

Aggravate, Aggravate, ggravate, Aggravate, Afggravate, Atggravate, Ayggravate, Ahggravate, Abggravate, Avggravate, Afgravate, Atgravate, Aygravate, Ahgravate, Abgravate, Avgravate, Agfgravate, Agtgravate, Agygravate, Aghgravate, Agbgravate, Agvgravate, Agfgravate, Agtgravate, Agygravate, Aghgravate, Agbgravate, Agvgravate, Agfravate, Agtravate, Agyravate, Aghravate, Agbravate, Agvravate, Aggfravate, Aggtravate, Aggyravate, Agghravate, Aggbravate, Aggvravate, Aggeravate, Agg4ravate, Agg5ravate, Aggtravate, Aggfravate, Aggeavate, Agg4avate, Agg5avate, Aggtavate, Aggfavate, Aggreavate, Aggr4avate, Aggr5avate, Aggrtavate, Aggrfavate, Aggrqavate, Aggrwavate, Aggrsavate, Aggrzavate, Aggrqvate, Aggrwvate, Aggrsvate, Aggrzvate, Aggraqvate, Aggrawvate, Aggrasvate, Aggrazvate, Aggracvate, Aggrafvate, Aggragvate, Aggrabvate, Aggra vate, Aggracate, Aggrafate, Aggragate, Aggrabate, Aggra ate, Aggravcate, Aggravfate, Aggravgate, Aggravbate, Aggrav ate, Aggravqate, Aggravwate, Aggravsate, Aggravzate, Aggravqte, Aggravwte, Aggravste, Aggravzte, Aggravaqte, Aggravawte, Aggravaste, Aggravazte, Aggravarte, Aggrava5te, Aggrava6te, Aggravayte, Aggravagte, Aggravare, Aggrava5e, Aggrava6e, Aggravaye, Aggravage, Aggravatre, Aggravat5e, Aggravat6e, Aggravatye, Aggravatge, Aggravatwe, Aggravat3e, Aggravat4e, Aggravatre, Aggravatse, Aggravatde, Aggravatw, Aggravat3, Aggravat4, Aggravatr, Aggravats, Aggravatd, Aggravatew, Aggravate3, Aggravate4, Aggravater, Aggravates, Aggravated.

Other Usage Examples

As a former football player who has carried a football more than 4,000 times, trust me, I did not go into ballroom dancing with my body being 100 percent, with no aches or pains or ailments coming with me. When you're dancing, you're doing stuff that your body's not used to, and so you start to aggravate those old injuries.


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