

If the final scene has you sniffling and reaching for the Kleenex, the movie you’re watching could be described as affecting, meaning it makes you emotional.


Moving the emotions; fitted to excite the emotions; pathetic; touching; as, an affecting address; an affecting sight.

Adjective S.
arousing affect; "the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene"; "poignant grief cannot endure forever"; "his gratitude was simple and touching"

p. pr. & vb. n.
of Affect

Moving the emotions; fitted to excite the emotions; pathetic; touching; as, an affecting address; an affecting sight.

Affected; given to false show.


Af*fect"ing, a. 1. Moving the emotions; fitted to excite the emotions; pathetic; touching; as, an affecting address; an affecting sight.
The most affecting music is generally the most simple. 2. Affected; given to false show. [Obs.]
A drawling; affecting rouge.

Moving the emotions; fitted to excite the emotions; pathetic; touching; as, an affecting address; an affecting sight.


Usage Examples

Beauty in distress is much the most affecting beauty.

The alternative scene, for a couple years now, has been taken seriously and that's a cool thing. I don't think it's exploded or anything, but I think it's pretty cool that it still exists, it's still affecting people.

Probability is expectation founded upon partial knowledge. A perfect acquaintance with all the circumstances affecting the occurrence of an event would change expectation into certainty, and leave nether room nor demand for a theory of probabilities.

FOR a long time the conviction has been dimly felt in the community that, without prejudice to existing institutions, the legal day of weekly rest might be employed to advantage for purposes affecting the general good.

Misspelled Form

Affecting, Affecting, ffecting, Affecting, Adffecting, Arffecting, Atffecting, Agffecting, Avffecting, Acffecting, Adfecting, Arfecting, Atfecting, Agfecting, Avfecting, Acfecting, Afdfecting, Afrfecting, Aftfecting, Afgfecting, Afvfecting, Afcfecting, Afdfecting, Afrfecting, Aftfecting, Afgfecting, Afvfecting, Afcfecting, Afdecting, Afrecting, Aftecting, Afgecting, Afvecting, Afcecting, Affdecting, Affrecting, Afftecting, Affgecting, Affvecting, Affcecting, Affwecting, Aff3ecting, Aff4ecting, Affrecting, Affsecting, Affdecting, Affwcting, Aff3cting, Aff4cting, Affrcting, Affscting, Affdcting, Affewcting, Affe3cting, Affe4cting, Affercting, Affescting, Affedcting, Affexcting, Affedcting, Affefcting, Affevcting, Affe cting, Affexting, Affedting, Affefting, Affevting, Affe ting, Affecxting, Affecdting, Affecfting, Affecvting, Affec ting, Affecrting, Affec5ting, Affec6ting, Affecyting, Affecgting, Affecring, Affec5ing, Affec6ing, Affecying, Affecging, Affectring, Affect5ing, Affect6ing, Affectying, Affectging, Affectuing, Affect8ing, Affect9ing, Affectoing, Affectjing, Affectking, Affectung, Affect8ng, Affect9ng, Affectong, Affectjng, Affectkng, Affectiung, Affecti8ng, Affecti9ng, Affectiong, Affectijng, Affectikng, Affectibng, Affectihng, Affectijng, Affectimng, Affecti ng, Affectibg, Affectihg, Affectijg, Affectimg, Affecti g, Affectinbg, Affectinhg, Affectinjg, Affectinmg, Affectin g, Affectinfg, Affectintg, Affectinyg, Affectinhg, Affectinbg, Affectinvg, Affectinf, Affectint, Affectiny, Affectinh, Affectinb, Affectinv, Affectingf, Affectingt, Affectingy, Affectingh, Affectingb, Affectingv.

Other Usage Examples

Millions of men have lived to fight, build palaces and boundaries, shape destinies and societies but the compelling force of all times has been the force of originality and creation profoundly affecting the roots of human spirit.

For the introduction of a new kind of music must be shunned as imperiling the whole state since styles of music are never disturbed without affecting the most important political institutions.

Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature.

I think it comes from really liking literary forms. Poetry is very beautiful, but the space on the page can be as affecting as where the text is. Like when Miles Davis doesn't play, it has a poignancy to it.


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