

The southwest wind.


The southwest wind.

The southwest wind.


'92olian attachment, a contrivance often attached to a pianoforte, which prolongs the vibrations, increases the 27 volume of sound, etc., by forcing a stream of air upon the strings. Moore. -- >mcol>'92olian harp, '92olian lyre, a musical instrument consisting of a box, on or in which are stretched strings, on which the wind acts to produce the notes; -- usually placed at an open window. Moore. -- '92olian mode (Mus.), one of the ancient Greek and early ecclesiastical modes.> A"fer , n. [L.] The southwest wind. Milton.

The southwest wind.


Usage Examples

President Obama believes in a country where we invest in education, in roads and bridges, in science, and in the future so we can create new opportunities so the next kid can make it big and the kid afer that and the kid after that, that's what President Obama believes.

Misspelled Form

Afer, Afer, fer, Afer, Adfer, Arfer, Atfer, Agfer, Avfer, Acfer, Ader, Arer, Ater, Ager, Aver, Acer, Afder, Afrer, After, Afger, Afver, Afcer, Afwer, Af3er, Af4er, Afrer, Afser, Afder, Afwr, Af3r, Af4r, Afrr, Afsr, Afdr, Afewr, Afe3r, Afe4r, Aferr, Afesr, Afedr, Afeer, Afe4r, Afe5r, Afetr, Afefr, Afee, Afe4, Afe5, Afet, Afef, Afere, Afer4, Afer5, Afert, Aferf.

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